Debates of March 13, 2014 (day 29)



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Before we adjourn today, colleagues, I would like to commend the Assembly for the work you have completed during this session. I recognize the challenges you have all faced. Our spring budget sessions are usually longer and busier than most, and this was certainly no exception.

The work we do in the Assembly involves all of you at many levels: Ministers and their departments work against deadlines that are always too short; standing committees work long hours to fulfill their accountability role; and the public provides input in many different ways.

During this session, you have considered and passed into law one appropriation act, four supplementary appropriation acts and 13 other pieces of legislation. You have debated 12 motions and have considered three committee reports.

This is also an opportunity to thank all of the Pages who have helped us out during this long session. Thank you from all Members of the Assembly for the excellent job you do.

Before we leave, I would like to note two upcoming events. First, the Arctic Winter Games will take place in Fairbanks, Alaska, March 15th to 22nd. I know you all join me in sending best wishes to our youth taking part in this event.

I would also like to encourage all residents to observe the National Day of Healing and Reconciliation on Monday, May 26th. This is the day set aside by the 15th Legislative Assembly to acknowledge and support the collective healing and reconciliation process that continues across the Northwest Territories.

Colleagues, we began this sitting in the dark of winter and are concluding with a hint of spring in the air. I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy this season of carnivals, jamborees and spring hunts. Keep safe until we meet again in May. Spend some time with your families and the communities and I look forward to seeing you in the spring.