Debates of October 17, 2014 (day 38)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to follow up on my earlier statement today with questions I believe are probably most appropriately directed to the Minister of Finance on the P3 projects for the rebuild of Stanton Hospital that’s proposed, although there are certainly elements for Health, Public Works and Services, Human Resources and so on as well.

On September 30th the Union of Northern Workers received an alert that eight maintenance services workers at Stanton Territorial Hospital may be laid off next summer. At the recent Stanton Hospital AGM on October 7th, Minister of Health and Social Services gave what has been described as a confusing array of answers to questions posed. In particular, workers have heard that the timing of layoffs may be anywhere from June 2015, to once the project has been completed, to never.

My question is: Will the Minister provide the desired certainty to the workers and say what is the most likely time of layoff, given the government’s current schedule for this project? Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. Minister of Finance, Mr. Miltenberger.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There has been no final determination as to what is going to transpire or even if there is going to be any layoffs. There are some things being considered as part of the P3 process and what services and what requirements will be in the final agreed to RFP. So when we have that certainly, we will be sharing it with all affected parties as well as all the MLAs. Thank you.

Thanks for the response from the Minister. Members of the hospital medical staff describe the maintenance workers as critical components of the health care team.

Will the Minister give me his assurance that if the important functions performed by these long-term GNWT employees are to be lost from public service, the P3 contract will ensure that the provider must give these experienced employees an opportunity for continuation under the new employer with comparable compensation? Mahsi.

It’s a hypothetical situation posed by the Member, but we have very clear processes as an employer on how we deal with affected employees. We will use those procedures and policies to the full extent to ensure, should there be, if there is, maybe, that that eventuality occurs, we will ensure that every step is made to address the issues raised by the Member.

Thanks for that response. During the rebuild of Stanton Hospital when the hospital basically becomes a construction site, it will be difficult to maintain the level of service that patients expect and require. The changeover period will be critical, and maintenance of the systems will be very challenging.

Will the Minister reassure the people of the North that the workers who know the physical plant and systems of the hospital best, those with up to 33 years’ experience maintaining the building and its functions, will be there to ensure their safety? Mahsi.

On a go forward basis, the Member is correct, when you do a renovation as opposed to a new build, there has to be these extra, very critical steps taken to protect the quality of the air, infection control and those types of things. I know this personally, as well, because we just went through that situation at the health centre in Fort Smith. It requires that extra special step which will be done. We will ensure that, of course, we will use all the resources available, including all the human resources available. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Final, short supplementary, Mr. Bromley.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s unfair to the long-time and loyal maintenance services employees at Stanton to have the uncertainty of the timing of their layoffs and whether they will be laid off at all hanging over their heads. Indeed, they reported a destroyed workplace atmosphere compared to conditions before the critical government pronouncements, and we heard the many equivalencies here today from the Minister.

When is the Minister prepared to provide some certainty to these employees, given that this Minister sets the schedule here, so that they can make appropriate plans based on clear information about their future and so that a healthy and positive workplace atmosphere returns to Stanton maintenance services, something I know the Minister and all of us desire. Mahsi.

The key focus I think we have to keep our eye on is we are going to invest something in the neighbourhood of $350 million to do a major retrofit, expand the footprint and service capacity of the Stanton Hospital by about 40 percent and modernize it into the 21st Century. It’s a big operation. There is going to be more staff coming on board.

As we move forward with this process, we will continue to inform everybody. The CEO has already met with staff. The process is not finalized. The final agreement, contract, hasn’t been signed. As those issues become clear, we will sort them out.

We are very sensitive to the concerns raised by the Member and that is being considered as we move forward as well. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. The honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.