Debates of October 16, 2014 (day 37)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Like my colleague Mr. Bouchard, today is an opportunity for me to say thank you to all the firefighters who kept us safe this summer, those who kept us safe during one of the worst fire seasons in over 30 years. I join many, many other NWT residents in thanking firefighters, firefighters from the NWT, from across Canada, and from our northern neighbours, Yukon and Alaska, who battled the hundreds of fires that burned in our territory this past summer, especially in the North and South Slave.

Firefighters are on call for us 24/7, ready and willing to do dangerous work if needed, and these men and women are trained and prepared for action, prepared for action at a moment’s notice. They have specialized skills and knowledge that enables them to do an outstanding job often in difficult weather and in treacherous locations. I know this summer it was extremely warm. They put life and limb at risk to keep us safe and to keep our communities, our homes and our businesses safe.

But not only were firefighters hard at work this summer fighting fires, but many other GNWT personnel were working hard, as well, dealing with the impacts of the fires. ENR, DOT, MACA, all three departments were especially involved in fighting the fires, keeping the public safe, monitoring road conditions and assisting communities when fires threatened.

This past fire season was a situation that could not be predicted and one that is, all being well, not the norm. Now that it’s over, like my colleague Mr. Nadli, I can only hope that a long, hard introspection takes place and evaluation of every action and non-action taken during the 2014 fire season. There were lessons to be learned by one and all, and we need to examine the circumstances and learn the lessons. If a comprehensive analysis is done, policies and processes adjusted, we will be better prepared should another disastrous fire season hit us again.

Today I recognize and honour all NWT emergency personnel as they go about their jobs. To each and every one I say thank you for protecting us, thank you for taking risks for us, thank you for the job you do every day. To my colleagues, as you return to your communities over the next few days and weeks, take the time to search out and visit your local firefighters, and if you haven’t done so already, please thank them personally.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.