Debates of June 5, 2014 (day 36)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Over the last two weeks here we have been coming down hard on the Department of Education with some of the programs they’ve been implementing, and it’s also people from the public and other organizations, but sometimes we have to draw attention to and we can’t overlook some of the successes that we see with these guys, the department, and the support they give to our students.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day in the community of Inuvik as we graduate our second graduating class from East-Three Secondary School. At this time I’d just like to congratulate the 36 graduates reaching a significant milestone in their lives and setting a standard for future grad classes. Thirty-six is probably one of the biggest graduating classes we had out of Inuvik. A lot of these students I’ve seen grow up through the elementary school system and helped assist in coaching them, so it’s great to see them reach this milestone. I congratulate them and wish them all the best.

Actually, I also want to congratulate and recognize any of the graduates who had to face extra challenges by coming to Inuvik to do their schooling from some of the surrounding communities.

I’d also like to give special thanks to the teachers for all that they do to assist our youth to succeed and graduate and be able to walk tomorrow. Not only them, but we had assistants, we had school staff in keeping the school operating, and they all had a big part in seeing these 36 students walk tomorrow and receive their diploma.

The commitment and hard work of these graduates has finally paid off and tomorrow will certainly be one of the biggest days of their lives. I just want to give a quick message to these students that I wish them the best in their future endeavours in whatever they do, but I’ve always been a big supporter of education and I hope a lot of them continue to further their education whether it’s in a trade, a skill or go receive post-secondary education in an institution down south or enrol in the Aurora College system as well.

Tomorrow the graduation ceremonies take place. I know there are going to be a lot of happy faces. Minister McLeod and myself attended last year, and a lot of the individuals that were there, we saw a lot of families who actually were so happy and filled with joy to see their students graduate. Sometimes it was the first child in their family to graduate.

Tomorrow, I think, is going to be a very happy day for a lot of people in Inuvik. Families, friends, educators, supporters, but a special thanks to the parents who get these students up in the mornings, get them out the door to the classrooms and make sure they get their homework. As I said, tomorrow will be the biggest day in the lives of these students. I just hope that they celebrate responsibly. These graduates are role models and leaders for their younger siblings, their peers and the community of Inuvik.

Good job. I just wanted to express my happiness to the graduates and their families and the community of Inuvik.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Moses. The Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.