Debates of October 5, 2015 (day 88)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The history on this particular issue bears repeating, so there may be some things which are said twice here.

Fourteen years ago the Premier of the day recognized the importance of providing services for persons with disabilities in the NWT. There was an acknowledgement that there were gaps and that something needed to be done to close those gaps. By 2004 a framework had been developed and some 100 needs identified, and those needs were placed into the five building blocks of the framework, as mentioned by my colleague: education, housing, employment, income, and disability supports.

Sometime after 2004, work began on an action plan to address the needs of disabled persons. The NWT Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities was published in 2008. The plan’s intention was to remove barriers for persons with disabilities in the NWT. Alas, that did not happen. Since 2008 we’ve seen and heard of very little action on the action plan. Why is that? Is it the same situation as homelessness was in a few years ago? No one has full responsibility, several unconnected people and departments doing what they can off the corner of their desks? I suspect so.

In 2012 the executive director of the NWT Disabilities Council highlighted the lack of action on the items in the action plan at the council’s annual general meeting. Again, no action by government.

My colleague Mr. Moses asked questions of the Health and Social Services Minister in June of 2013. Again, no action on the action plan.

Recognition that something needs to be done for NWT’s disabled residents seems to have disappeared into a black hole. Last year a frustrated Disabilities Council set out to evaluate the 2008 plans and conducted a very extensive survey of the state of disabled persons in the NWT. They reached into every community but one, and heard from 321 respondents. Their findings were published earlier this year.

Unfortunately, of the 100 needs identified in 2001, most have seen little or no action since 2007. The NWT Disabilities Services Project was provided to government some months ago, but the council has heard nothing back on either the contents of the report or the five recommendations in it.

I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

The government mindset from the previous decade seems to still exist where the issue of services for disabled persons is concerned. The issue is still in that black hole. But it must be removed from that black hole. The decade of inaction has to be replaced with a commitment to action. We have 5,000 to 6,000 persons with disabilities in the NWT and about 50 percent of them are seniors. We have a half-finished action plan. We have residents who need better programs and services so they can lead a better life.

It’s not too late to act. This Assembly can send a message to the 18th Assembly. We can tell them, make a commitment to our disabled persons, make the provision of programs and services a priority, take steps to address their needs. We can do this, and I look forward to Members sending this message when we debate the motion later today.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.