Debates of October 5, 2015 (day 88)



Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Earlier I spoke about the much needed Fort Simpson replacement health centre. I’d like to ask the Minister of Public Works a few questions on the planning study and, as a result, the capital planning process as well.

I’d just like to ask the Minister, what stage is the planning study at currently?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. Beaulieu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In February 201, an RFP was issued for phase one of the planning study, including needs assessment, operational plan and a functional program and feasibility analysis. A planning study services was awarded to Western Health Planning and Associates since then.

I’d like to thank the Minister for that answer. I’d just like to know, well, that’s the current stage of the planning study, perhaps the Minister can explain how the planning study affects the capital planning process. The Fort Simpson Health Centre was slated for ’17-18 but it’s, like, five years further down the line. I’d like to ask the Minister, why has that been deferred so far down the line? Thank you.

Thank you. There will be two phases in the planning study. The first phase will be completed in February of 2016. Phase two, which will be complete with schematic design and class C estimate and then used for the peer review committee. The peer review committee will be discussing the need, the capital need for the Fort Simpson Health Centre in comparison to all of the other capital needs put forward by all of the departments. We’re expecting the peer review process as part of phase two, the planning study, will be completed by fall of 2016. Thank you.

Thank you very much. That provides a little bit of clarity about how far they’re progressing with the planning study.

Is it typical for the department to go to the communities to show them the type of floor plans and the layout that they have at these facilities? Thank you.

Yes, it is. Once the planning study is done and the peer review has indicated that this is going to go into a capital plan, then the people that are putting the project together will consult with the community. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.