Debates of February 12, 2015 (day 58)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I told my colleagues in the Regular Members’ Caucus this morning that I was going to title my Member’s statement today “The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker.”

Mr. Speaker, we talk a lot about jobs in this House; we talk mostly about government jobs. And government jobs are wonderful for those who have them and those who aspire to have them, but our economy cannot function without the janitors, the room attendants, the servers, the cashiers, the gas station attendant.

When I left the building where I live this morning, I passed by the lady vacuuming the lobby. I took an extra effort to give her a warm greeting and a good morning. I know very well the importance of workers in the service sector and the importance to private small business that their dedicated and quality work brings to the operation of business that serves the needs of our communities.

I grew up in a small ma and pa business. I am the butcher’s daughter. My parents worked long days at the store. Our lives revolved around service to our loyal customers. My mother came home tired at night, often falling asleep at the supper table.

I want to say also, thankfully it was a grocery store, because they had enough food then to feed their five kids when they used the product that was past its prime and they couldn’t sell it anymore. We always joked about that because my brothers are over six feet tall, so it obviously didn’t hurt them.

My dad, 18 years ago tomorrow, coincidentally, I got the phone call that my dad had died of a sudden heart attack. I want to say today that he was my mentor, my idol, my hero, and every time there’s something to report, I miss still, to this day, being able to call him up and talk to him about it. So, he was a small business owner and he only had a Grade 3 education, but he was definitely the smartest man that I knew. He worked hard with integrity to support his family. He loved small business and he loved politics, and I’m so glad that on his last visit to the North, he had a chance to sit in this gallery 18 years ago and be recognized in this House.

But, Mr. Speaker, I’d like to send my respect out today to the hardworking people in the private sector serving the public. It’s honourable work and it’s integral work to the operation of our economy. There are lots of ma and pa businesses and lots of people working in the service sector in all of our communities and I think we should show them the gratitude and the appreciation that they all well deserve. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.