Debates of February 25, 2016 (day 6)


Question 62-18(2): Decentralization of Regional Authorities to the Sahtu

Earlier, I was referring to the issue on the Sahtu region decentralization. Recognizing our physical situation for this territorial government, the current decision, as it stands now, is being made elsewhere to govern certain different departments in the Sahtu. As I mentioned earlier, I have two questions, so I'll just make it two long ones. The best approach here to make it short is: I am asking the Premier on the view of restructuring the current model. I'm not taking him to account and requesting additional funding and so on, but the restructuring approach on making decisions more decentralized to the current government structure in the Sahtu.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Honourable Premier.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Our government had decentralization as a priority for a number of years. As a matter of fact, we are now in the third phase of decentralization. Over the three phases to date, we have decentralized 170 positions to the regions and communities outside Yellowknife, and I'm pleased to say that we've decentralized nine of those positions to the Sahtu region.

My next question is the second and last one. I would like to ask the Premier if I can propose and identify the positions that are governing the Sahtu region elsewhere, would the Premier move those, and when, back to the Sahtu?

We have had quite a number of iterations in the regional structures in the Northwest Territories. Before division, we had five regions. After division, I think we had three regions and two districts. As programs were devolved, we eventually now have five regions. We used to have five regional directors, as well, and the previous government saw fit to bring that back to two regional directors.

The way it's been working is the government allows the government departments to structure themselves in a way that is more effective and efficient, and certainly if the Member is prepared to provide his proposals, and it's not going to cost money, we would certainly consider it.

My next question is: after submission of this decentralization restructuring proposal, is the Premier willing to have a meeting with the Sahtu leadership?

We're always prepared to meet with the Sahtu leadership. As a matter of fact, we have an MOU on a government-to -government basis. We are committed to meeting on a regular basis with the Sahtu leadership. I think we meet every six months. If they want to meet more often, we're prepared to do so.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife North.