Debates of March 2, 2016 (day 9)


Member’s Statement on Spring Events in Hay River Area

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This weekend is going to be a busy one in Hay River, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to let everyone know about some of the exciting events that are going to be happening in our region. This year will be the 34th annual Kamba Carnival held just across the river at the K'atl'odeeche First Nation. It's an annual celebration of spring and a tradition in the region, attracting people from all over the North. It features snowshoe races, talent shows, dog sledding, fish-eating competitions, traditional games, and more. There's something for everyone in the family to enjoy, so it's always a good time, plus there's cash prizes for a lot of the events, so it will be definitely worth your while to check out. Another great event that has become an annual tradition is the Polar Pond Hockey Tournament.

This year, a great group of volunteers turned the river at the Fisherman's Wharf into seven three quarter-sized hockey rinks. There will be about 30 teams participating in three different divisions: 18-plus, old-timers, and the women's division, also known as the competitive division. Teams play four on four with no refs or goalies and players are guided by sportsmanship and fair play. There is great hockey, food, drinks, and a live band, so it's a great time and it's really like nothing else around.

The other big event this weekend is Weekend Warriors put on by Race Hay River. This is a two-weekend racing circuit that takes place on the Hay River by the ice crossing. Racers compete in snowmobile, cross-country, and drag races, then ATV and dirt bike races. There's usually around 150 entries and some nice cash prizes, so it attracts a lot of good talent and makes for a lot of exciting races. There's lots going on in and around Hay River this weekend, but there's plenty of time to check out all of the events. The weather is going to be great, so I encourage everyone to come down to Hay River and take in all the festivities. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.