Debates of March 2, 2016 (day 9)


Question 101-18(2): Highway NO. 1 Maintenance

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, during my 23 years of living in Fort Simpson, I've noticed there are some differences in how a section of Highway No. 1 -- not No. 7, No. 1 -- was maintained from Fort Providence Junction to Fort Simpson. As well, I've heard a number of issues raised by my constituents. Can the Minister of Transportation please advise this House how the section of Highway No. 1 from Fort Providence Junction to Fort Simpson is maintained?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Transportation.

Highway No. 1 is broken into two sections. The first section is from the Providence Junction at Highway No. 3 to Redknife, which is maintained by the Providence crew. That is managed by the North Slave region. From Redknife to Fort Simpson is the second section of Highway No. 1. That is run and operated through the regional staff in the Fort Simpson office. The maintenance on Highway No. 1 is done in accordance with the NWT Highway Maintenance Manual, which provides guidelines for various summer and winter maintenance. The supervisors in both regions are well-experienced and considerably skilled people at maintaining the road, and in the wintertime, both sections are maintained on a daily basis.

I thank the Minister for his answer. Can the Minister provide the House with the cost to maintain each section of the road, Fort Providence Junction to Redknife and Redknife to Fort Simpson?

To maintain each section of this highway is largely dependent on the weather and conditions of the infrastructure. There are a number of things that contribute to that, but both sections' cost is very comparable in maintenance.

I really didn't get an answer from the Minister, but that's all right. I'll move on to my next question. I find it very interesting that the Department of Transportation would split these two sections of the highway. Can the Minister please provide the rationale on why the North Slave district has a responsibility to maintain a section of the road and not the Fort Simpson District?

The Department of Transportation has divided the highway system in the NWT into four sections. We have the South Slave, the Fort Simpson section, the North Slave region, and the Inuvik Region. The boundaries for each regional operation are based on a range of factors such as operational efficiencies, workload, capacity, cost and service, and traffic levels, weather, and geography.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions, Member for Nahendeh.

I thank the Minister for his answer. I’m a little bit concerned with the answer. My challenge is: How can the North Slave District really manage this section of the highway? I understand the great work the Fort Providence staff do, but management based out of Yellowknife have no real vested interest in this highway if they don't drive down it. Will the Minister commit to looking to have the Fort Providence to Redknife section of the road transferred to the Fort Simpson District for more efficiency, or if that is not possible, can the Minister have his staff post on their website and on signage along the highway section between Redknife and Fort Providence Junction, and tell the users where they can raise their concerns to about the road conditions?

All highways in the Northwest Territories are of great concern to the Department of Transportation and we take maintaining and looking after them very seriously. If the Member, or any resident of the Northwest Territories, has a concern with our highway system, they can always get hold of the department or myself personally.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Kam Lake.