Debates of March 2, 2016 (day 9)


Question 98-18(2): Replacement of Moose Kerr School

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As a follow-up to my Member’s statement, I have some questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. As I mentioned, my constituents also want a school that could provide subjects -- for example, automotive. You know, many of our schools in the territory do not have, whether it's a two-bay garage or anything like that, that students can actually bring vehicles in and do automotive work or welding, carpentry; that sort of thing. I'd like to ask the Minister: the 20-year capital needs assessment dated 2011 showed a $24.8-million replacement of Moose Kerr School being funded over four years, starting with $2.9 million in 2018-2019. A later five-year capital needs assessment dated 2013 shows the replacement of 3,600 meters squared, Moose Kerr School, but without any funding. Can the Minister please clarify: What is the current status of Moose Kerr School replacement project in the capital plan? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Typically, for capital planning purposes, the replacement or major renovation of a facility is planned at 40 years from the date of construction or 20 years from the date of a major renovation. My understanding is that a large capital project was completed in 1999, and there were additions to the building including a community library, three classrooms, and a science room, and that there also has been some small capital funding included in the 2014-2015 capital that had been carried over into 2015-2016. Any maintenance upgrades in the amount of about $2 million from 2008 to 2012 was spent on Moose Kerr School in that time, and there's various amounts of projects that happened in that time as well.

I just want to let the Member know that as a Minister early on in this government, we are planning on getting out into the communities and the schools to do visits to the communities as well. One of our first tours will be up in the Beaufort-Delta. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Will the Minister ensure that a planning study is undertaken as soon as possible, as the community of Aklavik expects?

As mentioned, based on the typical planning model, Moose Kerr School would be identified for renovations or replacement in approximately 2019 or 2020, but the existing condition of the building would need to be assessed prior to a recommendation for renovation or replacement. As I mentioned, technical assessments and numerous elements have been replaced or repaired through the maintenance funding, as I mentioned earlier, and that addressed a lot of issues.

Once again, I would be willing to work with the Member to do a community visit and look at the building. One of our policies as well is with school utilization. It’s good for all Members to know, I think, that once school utilization hits an enrolment of about 85 per cent, then a school will be looked at in terms of being replaced or additions would be added to that. The utilization over in Moose Kerr School is at 48 per cent.

As you may recall, the former Minister committed to actually replacing this school, and so I ask the Minister: will the Minister commit to red-flagging this project in the capital plan, so that the students can get into a safe, modern school, without the aging relic of a bygone era that they are currently stuck in?

As mentioned, if there was to be a replacement or major renovations to the Moose Kerr School, it would be in 2019, and that is during the life of this government. I will go back to the department and look at how we can put that possibly into the planning study before it gets into the building stages. I once again want to assure the Member that we will be doing a community tour up in the Beaufort-Delta during the month of March.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife North.