Debates of March 3, 2016 (day 10)


Member’s Statement on Cost of Living in Nunakput

Quyanainni, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I would like to talk about the costs of living in Nunakput. Nunakput communities have among the highest community price index in the Northwest Territories. Prices are almost twice as high as in Yellowknife, and Nunakput communities do not benefit from highway or infrastructure. Goods are barged or flown into the communities. Still, labour and professional services are not always available. For example, doctors and tradespeople are flown in. People fly to Inuvik or Yellowknife for medical treatment. A flight from Inuvik to Ulukhaktok in one of our northern carriers costs as much as $2,700, and a flight from Inuvik to Yellowknife around $900. A southern vacation is out of the reach for a typical family. Medical travel costs are a serious burden to our healthcare system in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Fuel prices are set by the government’s Petroleum Products Division. They are fixed based on the rate that was paid in annual bulk fuel price purchases. People in communities served by the PPD are protected from spikes in the price of fuel, but they do not benefit when prices go down. The high cost of living has a devastating effect on elders and other people on fixed incomes.

It is hard to encourage people to stay in their own homes when they struggle to pay for home heating fuel and groceries. The price of fuel to go out on the land harvest traditional foods can be prohibitive. If you're unsuccessful in hunting, should you have spent that money at the store? Some people have to take this avenue as there are no guarantees when hunting, and if you are successful, would you still share with an elder who was not part of your family?

As we continue to debate the mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly and begin our work as MLAs, we must be mindful that people in Nunakput and all of our ridings are struggling to have a comfortable place to live and enough food to eat. We must work together to find ways to reduce the cost of living for people in the Arctic such as developing alternative energy sources and engaging in federal government improvements through the Nutrition North program, while looking at creative ways for larger centres to assist smaller communities. At the appropriate time, I will have questions for the Minister of Finance. Quyanainni, Mr. Speaker.