Debates of March 3, 2016 (day 10)


Member’s Statement on Long John Jamboree 2016

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, for many years Northerners in and around Yellowknife could look forward to a fun gathering to celebrate the end of winter and the welcoming of spring. Caribou Carnival started way back in 1955 and was a staple of life in the region for more than 50 years. Unfortunately, Caribou Carnival ran out of gas a handful of years ago, but in 2012, a new group of dedicated volunteers came together to create a new festival. Believing that Yellowknife Bay was the place, and knowing Yellowknifers, Northerners, and visitors would love to celebrate the departing cold winter and welcome the coming spring, the Long John Jamboree was born.

For four years, the Jamboree has celebrated the best parts of being a winter city: games, music, arts, food, heritage and sports, games on the snow stage, live music in the carnival tent, art exhibitions, the heritage photo booth, La cabane a sucre, the Burn on the Bay, and of course, the international Inspired Ice Carving Competition have made the Long John Jamboree a winter festival the city and territory can be proud of. Most importantly, the Jamboree has never charged a dime for admission. It has always been open to all -- for free, Mr. Speaker. Along with the snow castle, the dog derby, hockey games, snow volleyball, heli rides, Twin Otter rides, kite skiers, and kick-sledders, Yellowknife Bay is crammed with activity, fun, and celebration in late winter.

Now, heading into its fifth season, the Long John Jamboree is itself coming up against tough times. The uncertain economy has affected support and sponsorship, and many of the regional volunteer organizers have moved on to make way for new blood. As we speak, volunteers are dedicating hours of hard work and creativity to make the fifth annual Long John Jamboree a reality, but a community-run non-profit festival can only be as strong as the supporters it has. The Jamboree can use our help and needs full community support. I'd like to congratulate the dedicated volunteers and organizers of the Long John Jamboree for their hard work, and I want to urge everyone to join in and make a contribution, no matter how small. Communities are made up of people coming together to make things happen. Celebrations like the Long John Jamboree deserve our support. I look forward to seeing everyone down on the ice March 25th to 27th. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.