Debates of June 6, 2013 (day 32)



Speaker: Hon. George Tuccaro

Mr. Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, good afternoon.

I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to many Northerners who, over the past several months, have been presented with many awards to recognize their name and varied achievements, including educators, graduating students from high schools and Aurora College, “wise women,” NWT volunteers, athletes and coaches, and volunteers with St. John Ambulance.

I would like to wish each of you a safe, healthy and happy summer as you take your break and enjoy quality time with your families, even as you continue working for the betterment of all Northerners.

Please encourage and remind your families, friends and people in your communities to be safe out on the land and to wear personal flotation devices when travelling by boat on our waterways

I look forward to seeing you all again here in the House during the fall sitting.

As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I am pleased to assent to the following bills:

Bill 11, Financial Administration and Public Agency Statutes (Borrowing Provisions) Amendment Act;

Bill 20, An Act to Amend the Tlicho Community Government Act;

Bill 22, Territorial Emblems and Honours Act;

Bill 23, Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2013-2014; and

Bill 25, Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2013-2014.

Thank you, merci beaucoup, mahsi cho, quanani, koana.

I stand corrected, Bill 22 is not ready for assent at this time. Thank you very much.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Colleagues, be seated. My turn. Colleagues, before we close today, I’d like to take the opportunity to recognize one of my elders and express my condolences. In my home community, we just recently lost one of our respected elders, Joe Panaktalok. Originally from Cambridge Bay, he set sail with his parents on the St. Roch, when he was four years old, to Tuktoyaktuk, where he made his home.

He went from travelling with dog teams, reindeer herding and gold mining to running heavy equipment. Joe has seen change in our way of life but kept his traditional knowledge and his culture very strong. He taught and passed his hunting skills on to his children and his grandchildren well. Our community of Tuktoyaktuk and beyond respected Joe, who was always willing to lend a helping hand in any way.

Joe was a family man. He kept his circle strong. Over the years his health began to slow and not once did he complain. Our community will miss him dearly. “Joe Blow” was a mighty man. We value and respect our elders who are keepers of our land, culture and tradition.

I am sending prayers and sincere condolences to his wife, Barb, family and friends.

I’d also like to express my condolences to the family in Tulita of Mrs. Lucy Doctor. Mrs. Doctor was born in Tulita and spent her life living in a traditional way on the land. She’s raised all of her 11 children, many other children, and 50 grandchildren.

My sincere condolences to the family of Mrs. Doctor and to Faye and Mervin Junior. Mervin, who is in Tulita, thoughts and prayers with you and your family.

Although it’s been a relatively short sitting of our Assembly, you have accomplished a great deal in the time allotted. You have considered and adopted four bills, two of them dealing with supplementary appropriations; considered three committee reports; debated nine motions; and referred 11 bills to standing committee for further consideration during the summer and fall.

We are all aware, colleagues, that this sitting will also be remembered for the introduction, debate and adoption of a motion of support for the approval of the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement, a historic event for this Assembly and for our territory.


As we leave the Chamber today, it’s looking like a very busy summer for all Members of this Assembly. There is much work to be done, with committees travelling throughout the territory on the review of bills, the government preparing for devolution implementation and departments continuing their work. In spite of this schedule, I do encourage you all to take the time to celebrate two very special events coming up – National Aboriginal Day on June 21st and Canada Day on July 1st – the perfect opportunity to celebrate both the outstanding achievements and diverse culture of the Northwest Territories and our special place in Canada.

A little earlier, colleagues, I spoke of the history being made in this Assembly. I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you and all residents of the NWT to help us celebrate some of that history. This September that marks the 20th anniversary of our beautiful Assembly building and the official dedication by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our celebrations will be taking place September 26th and 27th, and I invite you all to join us in the capital to mark this milestone.

Of course, I cannot close without a thank you to the Pages who have assisted us during this session. We have had students from Range Lake North School in Yellowknife, East Three School in Inuvik and Deh Gah School in Fort Providence. Thank you to all our Pages.


To my colleagues and Members, I wish you a safe summer. Be safe when you’re travelling, spend time with your families, and God bless you. Watch yourselves.