Debates of June 6, 2013 (day 32)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I was very pleased to hear the Minister of Transportation’s statement on Corridors for Canada III, a document for building prosperity. While I cannot share any details before it is tabled later today, I can say that potential investment in Highway No. 7 brings a tear to my eye. An improved transportation network is a foundation required to support economic development and the future prosperity in the NWT. Improvements to transportation also benefit our communities and people, by improving their level of service like more chipseal and by making our highways safer. I support this Government of the Northwest Territories in being proactive and submitting this infrastructure proposal to the federal government in advance of the funding program details being known. This may help to form and shape the federal program so that the North can realize more infrastructure improvements.

The investments made under Corridors for Canada I and Corridors for Canada II have made significant improvements to the system. I look forward to continuing the improvements. There is much work to do. I am also encouraged that investments are proposed in every region across the NWT. There are many needs in my riding, as I have been raising in this House. Normally my favourite two words are Highway 7. I do recognize that this proposal needs to be strategic and we can’t include everything we would like. I am pleased that it appears that the government has been listening to my concerns, and also on reconstructed Highway No. 7 and improvements to the Mackenzie Highway including sections towards Wrigley. I also hope to see more chipseal from Fort Simpson towards Hay River, which is being asked for by my constituents.

The Deh Cho travelling through Nahendeh this winter has dramatically increased and, also, they expect an increase in industrial traffic in Fort Liard this year as well. I am very supportive of the projects included to advance the Mackenzie Valley Highway. I look forward to finding even more funding to begin constructing this highway north of Wrigley. Industry will substantially benefit from the investment, perhaps our partnerships, opportunities to invest even more. Once again, I look forward to a positive response from the federal government as the Department of Transportation and other governments make our plans this summer. Mahsi cho.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.