Debates of June 6, 2013 (day 32)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The RCMP has been part of our lives in the North since their arrival in 1904. We are proud of the relationships that our communities and the RCMP have built over the years. It is important that leaders support communities and the RCMP to continue to build on these positive working relationships. Our leaders and communities want to work alongside the RCMP to make our homes and communities a safer place to live.

Over the last couple of years, I have made a number of statements in this House concerning the lack of policing in Tsiigehtchic. There is no question in my mind that a police detachment in Tsiigehtchic is necessary and must be a part of this government’s long-term plan. I do, however, recognize the reality and know that a detachment isn’t going to happen tomorrow. I know a detachment is a ways off. It could be years. This is an unfortunate reality.

The problem is that, as I fight for my constituents and champion for a detachment, the needs of my people continue. The issues don’t take a break because there is no detachment. In fact, it only gets worse.

Today I want to work with the Minister of Justice on some interim solutions to policing and public safety that can exist in Tsiigehtchic.

Our world is constantly changing. Today we are dealing with factors we did not traditionally see, such as drugs. Our elders are worried about how to deal with this and how to help our youth. We need to work together to explore all options, especially in our communities that do not have detachments.

I know that we have many committed people who will dedicate their time to help those who come into conflict with the law. There are community justice committees, victim service workers, volunteers for crime prevention activities and other community events. They require our ongoing support, as do the RCMP members who are working in our communities.

I want to explore all of the options to create links with the RCMP, recruitment, Aboriginal community constable programs, programs for the youth that may help address community safety and support policing in Tsiigehtchic.

Later today I will ask the Minister of Justice questions on what we can do while we are waiting for a detachment to become a reality in Tsiigehtchic, working together on these types of initiatives to help my constituents feel safe in their homes and in the community. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Blake. The honourable Member for Yellowknife South, Mr. McLeod.