Debates of June 6, 2013 (day 32)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to pass on my heartfelt appreciation for my friend here. He is walking his talk and it is much appreciated. The last years with my grandfather, the last 10 or 15 years or so, he spent in a wheelchair, so I appreciate what he’s doing here.

I want to do my Member’s statement on the synthetic natural gas in Norman Wells. Yesterday Member Bisaro talked about you can’t get what you always want, the Rolling Stones tune. Mr. R.C. McLeod followed up with another line from the Rolling Stones: If you try some time, you might just find you get what you need. I like the Rolling Stones, so I’m going to do my Member’s statement as: you can’t get any satisfaction here.

The Town of Norman Wells has entered into an MOU with Dalkia Canada to provide a heating solution for the residents who will completely lose their natural gas source by this time next year. Dalkia has agreed to supply the community with synthetic natural gas for two years, until the town and the company decide on the best long-term heating solutions for Norman Wells. No one is really saying how much Dalkia’s plan will cost. They have an estimate, so the residents of Norman Wells already know they’re going to pay more to heat their homes. Some people have gone off the grid.

Norman Wells is a big part of the Northwest Territories renewable energy plan. Many people ask for subsidies to be able to afford to heat their homes. The Government of the Northwest Territories pays millions of dollars in energy subsidies. These costs have a huge impact on the fiscal framework. They affect our ability to provide programs and services and move forward on important initiatives.

Norman Wells isn’t the only community facing an energy crisis. Between 2012 and 2014, this government will spend at least $300,000 on exploring long-term energy solutions for Inuvik. Again, we need to invest in long-term solutions for Norman Wells, just as does our sister community in Inuvik. The Department of Public Works plans major investments in biomass in our airports and our schools. Biomass and district heating systems are among the options the community has proposed for long-term solutions. These efforts should be expanded and built upon to ensure a sustainable future for our community and natural resources.

I seek unanimous consent to conclude my Member’s statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

The government needs to step up as an active player now and find long-term energy solutions for Norman Wells. We must fully support the residents’ efforts to convert sustainable energy sources like biomass, hydro or solar power. We need to do this before our people go south or go broke. I’m looking for satisfaction.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. I just thank God you didn’t sing it for us today. The Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.