Debates of June 27, 2016 (day 26)


Member’s Statement on Transparency and Public Engagement

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to talk about the commitment of this government to transparency and public engagement. Mr. Speaker, during last fall’s election campaign, we heard from our constituents across the Northwest Territories. Our residents want consensus government that works. They want to feel they are a part of it. They need to be able to see what is going on, Mr. Speaker. During this election process for Premier and Cabinet, and when we forged the mandate to guide us during the 18th Assembly, we committed and recommitted to that openness and transparency. Our mandate includes commitments to hold Cabinet meetings in the regions of the territory, to improve opportunities for meaningful public input, to enhance collaboration between Cabinet and Regular Members, and to establish an open government policy to enhance public participation in government. To support these commitments, the government even established a new Cabinet portfolio of Public Engagement and Transparency, Mr. Speaker.

These are lofty and worthy goals, Mr. Speaker, but I am not sure if the government’s actions today is as strong as the promises made in the mandate. We have heard little from the Minister for Public Engagement and Transparency. Last week, questions were raised in the House about sole-source contracts and the effects new limits might have on small business. Recently, decisions were made about the role of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation that still have many wondering what the real reason for doing that was and what future effects such a decision will have. The picture remains unclear. In these instances, Mr. Speaker, along with others, the provision of more information through inclusive public engagement would ensure more openness and transparency from the government’s side of the House. It would reassure Ordinary MLAs and our residents to whom we all answer of the government’s good and open intentions. Mr. Speaker, like everyone here, I have dedicated myself to public service in this government because I believe that, by working together, by collaborating and learning from each other, we can make life better for residents we serve. I believe that this is how consensus government can be made more successful and find real lasting solutions that will enhance the lives of residents of the Northwest Territories. Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time, I will have questions for the Minister for Public Engagement and Transparency. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members’ statements. Member for Frame Lake.