Debates of June 27, 2016 (day 26)


Minister’s Statement 69-18(2): Air Regulations

Mr. Speaker, as stewards of the land, we have a responsibility to make prudent decisions about how we use, share, and protect it in a way that reflects the values and priorities of our residents. This includes the air we breathe. Historically, air emissions and air quality management in the Northwest Territories have been unregulated. The Government of the Northwest Territories is now proceeding to occupy this regulatory field. We have made a commitment in the government’s mandate to advance the territorial vision of land and resource management in accordance with the Land Use and Sustainability Framework by evolving our legislative, regulatory, and policy systems. Developing and proposing amendments to the Environmental Protection Act to provide for air quality regulations is one of the specific actions we are committed to. These regulations will fill a long-standing gap in the regulatory regime for the Northwest Territories. They will create regulatory certainty and consistency, clarity for industry, and benefit human health and the environment. These regulations will allow the Government of the Northwest Territories to set specific emission limits for certain equipment, set limits on the concentrations of contaminants in the ambient air, and maintain air quality that protects and enhances the environment and public health. Similar to other jurisdictions, air permits will be required for larger operations. Some components of air permits will include requirements for assessments, best available technology economically achievable, monitoring, and emission fees, among others. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has developed a regulatory framework with the proposed concepts and ideas for regulating air emissions and air quality. We have been working with other GNWT departments, the Northwest Territories Power Corporation, and other affected regulators for input and feedback on the proposed air regulatory framework and the proposed Environmental Protection Act amendments. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will be engaging with MLAs, Aboriginal governments, stakeholders, and Northwest Territories residents this summer to hear their views and gather input on the proposed Northwest Territories air regulatory framework. I look forward to hearing Members’ thoughts on this important issue. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers’ statements. Honourable Premier.