Debates of June 27, 2016 (day 26)


Question 277-18(2): Implementation of Regional Wellness Councils

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I mentioned in my Member’s statement here, during the summer we will see the new health structure take place for the Sahtu and other regions throughout the territories here on August 1st. I would like to ask the Minister of Health what preliminary action plans are in place for the startup date of the new structure. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, a lot of work has gone into preparing us for the August 1st deadline when the new legislation takes effect. Last week, we notified the upcoming members of the different regional wellness councils who were nominated, including the board chairs. We will be bringing individuals together to provide some upfront training prior to the go-live date. Significant work is being done right now on organizational design, identifying the positions that are being required, and how the linkages will work between the existing authority today and how they will all work together in authorities. I do want to remind Members and the public that August 1st is one step in moving forward and transforming the health and social services system here in the Northwest Territories. It would allow us to have a new structure that will allow us to make changes that will benefit all residents in the Northwest Territories. Some of these changes will take time. August 1st is the date that allows us to start making those changes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I understand the move-forward step is to bring the regional chairs for an orientation to Yellowknife, which is good. I commend the department on that. As far as the regional council, is there a regionalized orientation for that group? If so, when Mr. Speaker?

Mr. Speaker, the intention is to provide all of the regional wellness council members throughout the Northwest Territories orientation into the new system, how they will fit into the new system, how people across the Northwest Territories, including Members, understand the new accountability structures that are in place and that address the Auditor’s General report, and much of that training will be taking place in the regions where those regional wellness councils are currently located. I can’t confirm a date. Those dates haven’t been set. But they will be taking place through the summer and into the fall.

Will the regional council orientation include development of regionalized policy because the geographical differences that many of our ridings have? If these policies would be a part of the orientation or part of the first quarter developments?

Mr. Speaker, the role of the regional wellness councils starting August 1st, and ongoing, is to do exactly what the Member is talking about. It is to work with the territorial authority on territorial programs, but also how do we customize or tailor those programs to meet the local community and individual regional needs. Those policies will be done, probably, ongoing for the rest of the life of this new structure because changes do take place. It will take time. The councils will be involved on an ongoing basis. As new programs come out, they will be required to help us design a local delivery. This is part of their role. This is something that they will be involved with ongoing for the life of the authority.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Sahtu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My last question: is there a possibility for an extended invitation to the MLAs of the area? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, I won’t commit to that at this time. I will certainly give it some consideration. I do want to remind the Member that these regional wellness councils are not political bodies. They are not bodies intending to provide politics around health and social services. They are intended to help tailor programs and customize programs to meet the needs at a regional level. I will have to think about that one. I think all of us would like to keep these bodies away from being political bodies.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Deh Cho.