Debates of February 1, 2017 (day 45)


Question 483-18(2): Recruitment for Regional Youth and Volunteer Positions

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I asked the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs about the positions of the youth workers, and it was great to hear that she's made a commitment, as long as she stays as the Minister, that those positions won't be on the cutting block, which is really good to hear. However, again, we're looking at 15 months, 18 months, of these positions not being filled. When will these positions actually be filled? I understand they're going to classification, but how long do we have to wait until we get these positions filled? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am also anxious to get these positions filled. We are waiting for them to come back from the Department of Human Resources for classification. I can make a commitment that as soon as we do receive them back, that we will put a full effort into doing the recruitment and getting these ads out, and trying to fill the positions. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I thank the Minister for her answer. Still not a deadline. Are we looking at the new fiscal year? Are we looking at this fiscal year? I know when we're looking at things, even if it takes a month to get through classification, we're going to still be looking at the new fiscal year. What time will we be looking at in the new fiscal year so these positions can be filled?

It is actually impossible for me to set a deadline and say, by this date that these positions will be filled. I have made a commitment that we will put a serious effort into it as soon as we get the classification back. Filling a position isn't as easy as putting it out there, and getting it in. There's a process. There are applications. There's internal hiring practices. There's an appeal process to come through. I will stand by my commitment that, as soon as we get back from the classification, we will put all of our efforts into doing what we can to ensure that these positions are filled in a timely manner.

I guess I was asking for the impossible, and I apologize to the Minister for that. On my constituency tour, I heard from the youth. They're asking, what is this government doing? With these positions not being filled, can the Minister please advise this House what is happening in the youth area for our young people?

Currently, the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs provides about $3 million annually to support youth leadership programs and youth at risk programs. We are also working interdepartmentally with education, health and social services, and working intensively with our Minister responsible for Youth to keep him updated, and also to develop a comprehensive plan. We are looking at updating our Youth Leadership Strategy in partnership interdepartmentally, but also with the stakeholders that are involved within the communities. We will be putting a serious effort into updating that plan, and having more inclusive youth strategy moving forward.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mahsi. Oral questions. Member for Nahendeh.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank the Minister for her answer. Unfortunately, strategies don't do anything if we don't have anything for our youth, and that is a real concern, but that will be another day for other questions for that. Mr. Speaker, with the challenges of the Municipal and Community Affairs that they are facing through the Auditor General and that, will the Minister look at, potentially, moving the Sport and Recreation division to the Youth Secretariat, and call it Sport and Recreation Youth Secretariat, so that they're not the poor sisters on the block, and that we can focus on helping our youth become better citizens, and give them the skills that they need? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It actually saddens me to hear the Member talk about considering our youth as the poor cousin neighbor on the block. I do not take that personal opinion. I believe that every single program that we provide is critical to the residents of the Northwest Territories, and especially providing services to youth.

The question asking if I would consider taking it out of the department, that is not one that I am prepared to answer at this point because it will take consultation with the departments, and consultation with stakeholders as well because in recognizing that community governments are one of our biggest providers of youth programming, and I really don't want to lose the great work that community governments do to support youth within our communities, all communities in the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Kam Lake.