Debates of October 14, 2016 (day 30)


Member’s Statement on Condolences to Constituents on Loss of Family MEmbers

Mr. Speaker, I'd like to send my condolences to the families that have lost loved ones within the past few months.

Mr. Speaker, our communities are rich with elders. They have the vast knowledge of memories, stories and culture. We treasure our elders and we make an effort to visit them, care for them, and love them. It's never easy when a loved one passes. However, it does help when the community comes together to help the family with funeral arrangements.

I would like to take this time to acknowledge a few elders from my constituency who have passed away:

Caroline Snowshoe, 86 years old from Fort McPherson passed away on July 7th. James Nerysoo, 85 years old from Fort McPherson passed away August 9th. Hugh Papik, 67 years old from Aklavik passed away August 16th. Mary Kay, 97 years old from Fort McPherson passed away on August 23rd. Alice Husky, 79 years old from Aklavik passed away September 11th. William Kunnizzie, 82 years old from Fort McPherson passed away September 15th. Agnes Neyando, 79 years old from Fort McPherson passed away on September 30th. Also in September, Mr. Speaker, there was a memorial for Daniel Andre from Tsiigehtchic held at Tree River. Every one of these elders, and Daniel, will be missed tremendously by their family members.

Mr. Speaker, in just two short months we've lost seven respected elders, also Daniel. I would like the Assembly to join me in sending condolences to the families in Aklavik, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic who are having a hard time dealing with their loss. Prayers going out to everyone. Mahsi.