Debates of June 17, 2016 (day 23)


Minister’s Statement 60-18(2): Gender Equality

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to provide an update on efforts to support gender equality in the Northwest Territories today. Equal opportunity for the development of the human potential of both women and men is a benefit to society as a whole and is the responsibility and concern of individuals, government, and non-government organizations. The Status of Women Council of the NWT, Native Women’s Association of the NWT, Yellowknife Women’s Society, and the YWCA of Yellowknife have challenged us and other NWT politicians, policy makers, and individuals to take the short introduction to gender-based analysis plus, or GBA+, online training to show our commitment to inclusive and equitable policy and programming. We have been challenged to take the training by Canada Day, July 1st. Those who have taken the training are encouraged to take a picture with their certificates and upload them to social media, tagging any or all of the women’s groups. I have posted my certificate, and I encourage others to do so. Gender-based analysis is an important tool for governments in advancing gender equality. The Government of the Northwest Territories has set the groundwork for GBA+ through the Equality of Women and Men in the NWT Policy but there is still a great deal of work to be done in this area. The Government of the Northwest Territories has made a commitment in its mandate to improve gender equity in appointments to territorial boards and agencies. Gender-based Analysis Plus is an analytical tool that we can use to look more carefully at the factors in that equity. Mr. Speaker, in addition to this important initiative, I would like to provide a brief update on the 60th meeting of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women in New York City. The Member for Yellowknife Centre and I attended as part of the national delegation led by Canada’s Minister responsible for the Status of Women, the Honourable Patty Hadju. The delegation included provincial and territorial Ministers, as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations. The meetings were an opportunity to attend sessions on women in politics, gendered wage gaps, empowerment of Indigenous women, addressing domestic violence in the workplace, and violence prevention. I also had the privilege of participating in two bilateral meetings at the invitation of Canada, New Zealand, and Sweden. New Zealand has faced similar challenges with violence against Aboriginal women and girls as well as family violence. In New Zealand, half the violence in the country is family violence. Key components to their plan are cultural identity, community leadership, and the understanding that protection for the family is protection for all. There were some very interesting perspectives and experiences that were shared. I look forward to exploring these further as possible best practices for the Northwest Territories. Mr. Speaker, violence against women and girls remains a serious issue in the Northwest Territories. Our government has been working with other governments and the national Aboriginal organizations to focus the national attention on violence against Indigenous women and girls. Earlier this year, I was also pleased to lead the Northwest Territories’ delegation to the second National Roundtable on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Winnipeg, where we had the opportunity to engage in the national discussion on how we can take action together to address the root causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls. Efforts to address gender equality in the Northwest Territories need to be broad in scope, and involve many partners, such as the Gender-Based Analysis Plus initiative highlighted today. We need to learn and work with other governments, taking advantage of opportunities like the United Nations’ meetings and the national roundtable. It is also key to make sure that research, planning, and coordination are well-guided at home. Once again, I have challenged all MLAs to take the GBA+ training by July 1st, and I look forward to seeing each Member’s certificate on their Facebook pages. I also encourage each MLA to expand the challenge to all of their constituents. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers’ statements. Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations.