Debates of October 28, 2016 (day 38)


Question 419-18(2): Sahtu Winter Road Construction and Maintenance

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Each year the winter road project is supervised by outside supervisors brought in at a cost. The cost includes such things as the vehicle, gas, room and board, and a significant amount of overtime.

My question to the Minister of DOT is, utilizing the GNWT and SSI MOU, will the Minister consider hiring local residents for this year's season? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Transportation.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would have to check into this MOU right off the bat, but DOT presently hires two casuals for highway maintenance supervision out of the Sahtu Region for the winter road system.

Yes, I heard the number 17. Today it's two, so that totals 19 positions that we may see. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, but will the Minister consider using the principles of the MOU, I know you have to reflect on the principles of the MOU here between both governments, and entertain the idea of a negotiable site supervisor's contract with a proponent from Sahtu?

Upon review of the status of having a Sahtu regional office, it's the department's view that, until we have an all-season road, which I am the biggest advocate for the Mackenzie Valley Highway, that it would not be in the best use of our dollars to put a regional office for transportation in the Sahtu region at this time.

I'm asking the question if the Minister would entertain the idea of cost savings on a negotiable arrangement to hire local and supply local for the vehicle and eliminate the provision cost and the hotel cost for outside supervisors. Would the Minister accept that?

As I've already stated, we already hired two casual maintenance supervisors from the region to monitor the winter road activities. What I could convey to the Member is I would have to look into whose vehicles we're using. We're already employing two people to do that, and I will get back to the Member on where we're getting the vehicles from.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Sahtu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My last question is that I drive this winter road. I have no other choice but to drive it here, because I want to import cheap groceries. So I see the polar bear decals on the government's trucks, so I can guarantee the Minister that there is government-supplied personnel totalling two positions and two vehicles and room and board to service those individuals.

My question is, with the two positions that are supplied locally and the other two positions supplied outside, would the Minister entertain including a negotiable arrangement to supply those two individuals and their supports locally? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

The Member stated that I guess we're using government vehicles to do the maintenance supervision of the winter road. I can look into it, but I can guarantee, if we already have the units available, why would we go out to contract to rent vehicles for the complete four months of the winter road and add significant costs back onto the taxpayers of the Northwest Territories? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Mackenzie Delta.