Debates of March 15, 2018 (day 27)


Question 278-18(3): Changes to the Cities, Towns and Villages Act

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. When we began our sitting, I had questions for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs about changes to the Cities, Towns, and Villages Act. It is the last day of the sitting. Perhaps we will have a bill later, but I don't predict that is going to happen. Where is the Minister at with changes to the CTV Act? Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I know that we were trying to get it rushed through. There was concerns with the tourism, the income for the City of Yellowknife, et cetera, so we have been trying to work diligently on it. We are still on track.

We have our legislative proposal that I believe is in the process of being submitted. I know I dated it March 6th, and it was sent out of my office on March 8th, so I can find out where exactly in the background it is, but we are diligently trying to get that legislative proposal to standing committee at this time. Thank you.

At the time of when this issue was first brought to the floor of the House, there was a concern from the City of Yellowknife, the community who has been targeted for these changes, and who desperately needs them after this government has cut their tourism support. Has the Minister reached out to the City of Yellowknife and solicited them for their upcoming budget challenges if this legislation isn't brought forward according to their timelines?

The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is responsible for the CTV Act. We are not responsible for the funding that is provided to the Visitors' Association. As stated, I can't speak on behalf of another department. I am not sure. I know that Municipal and Community Affairs would not be going into the City of Yellowknife to look at their budget for their visitors' centre. That is not under Municipal and Community Affairs.

I was trying to frame the issue, but I will be more clear on this. Has the department or the Minister's office spoken with city council or city administration on the proposed changes to the CTV Act, and do they understand that delays in the legislation could result in the City of Yellowknife not being able to meet its budget obligations?

Yes, we have been meeting regularly with the City of Yellowknife, actually, on this act. I will make sure that they are talked to about what our timeline is. We did present it to them when we first provided it. We are on track with them.

I do want to clarify, as well, that I found out that the legislative proposal is before standing committee, and it was dated March 8th, as I suspected.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Kam Lake.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I appreciate the updates. Now that the legislative process can continue, I am assuming that the Minister can assure me that this legislation will come forward in the May-June sitting. Can she do that? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

As presented in our original presentation on this act to the standing committee, we are still on track with that. Once the standing committee reviews the legislative proposal and permits their feedback, then I will give drafting instructions, and if there are no major glitches, then this will continue as provided, and so it will be brought forward in the May session. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Nahendeh.