Debates of February 25, 2015 (day 66)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I join my colleagues in recognizing Pink Shirt Day. We’re taking a stand against bullying by wearing pink today.

Pink Shirt Day had unlikely beginnings. It started with a spontaneous protest in 2007 following a bullying incident in a Nova Scotia high school. A ninth grade male student had been bullied for wearing a pink shirt, and in a gesture of solidarity, two older boys bought 50 pink shirts and gave them away to fellow students. To the organizers’ surprise, the protest made national headlines. Shortly afterward, provincial Premiers began to designate Pink Shirt Day as an official day against bullying.

Bullying describes a number of acts of aggression: swearing or shouting, punching or shoving, spreading rumours, engaging in nasty practical jokes or invading someone’s privacy. The effects of bullying are devastating and can last a lifetime. In extreme cases, even suicide can result.

The 2010 Minister’s Forum on Aboriginal Student Achievement and, more recently, the National Health Survey on School-Aged Children told us that students and families in the Northwest Territories are severely affected by bullying.

But there is good news, Mr. Speaker. Bullying is being taken seriously across the country and in our jurisdiction as well. Anti-bullying activities are in full swing, in part because of anti-bullying legislation that this Assembly passed in 2013. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment has launched a campaign to convey one clear message: bullying is never acceptable. Students in schools are pledging to stand up and stop bullying and also compete for prizes by creating videos, photos and art.

It will take a collective effort to stop bullying and we are on the road to change, but we’re not there yet. So I am joining my colleagues in calling on every single person in the Northwest Territories to stand up against bullying. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Item 2, Ministers’ statements. Honourable Premier, Mr. McLeod.