Debates of February 25, 2015 (day 66)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to once again return to the Minister of Justice, because from what I was hearing on this particular side of the House is that clearly it sounds like he’s defending the status quo by doing nothing.

I’m asking the Minister maybe to explain the communication and accountability line between the Department of Justice and the RCMP. Because if we have no authority to provide policy guidance to them, what’s the point of having a Minister of Justice? We should have the RCMP member sitting there answering questions. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Minister of Justice, Mr. Ramsay.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The RCMP are professionals, they’re experts in their field, and at the end of the day, it’s their decision about notifying the public. They work with the public prosecution service. But if the Member wants me to have a discussion with the RCMP, I will certainly go back and have a discussion with the RCMP. Thank you.

Well, it took five questions to get to the point of saying he will have a discussion if the Member asks for a discussion.

So, the question for the Minister this time is: What is the Minister going to do to talk to the RCMP about updating their policy about informing the public about a predator on the loose? Thank you.

As I mentioned, the RCMP are there to protect our communities. We have a number of people employed at the Department of Justice through our probation services. People are there. Policies are in place to protect our communities, protect our public. Again, some of the questions the Member is asking me today, really, I find somewhat insulting to people who are putting their lives on the line every day going to work and also keeping our communities safe. Thank you.

Well, I’m really sorry I hurt the Minister’s feelings, but frankly, I don’t care. The reality here is that the public’s interest needs to come first, not a predator on the loose. I’m not going to ask the Minister’s opinion, because frankly, I don’t care.

I want to know what the Minister is going to do about making sure that we have an effective policy of communication so when we have a predator on the loose in our communities preying on women, children and some men that the public are informed so they can be vigilant about this type of problem.

I mentioned it earlier, I’ll say it again, I will go back and have a discussion with the RCMP. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Final, short supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Mr. Speaker, I want to know the nature of this discussion. Is he going to call them? Is he going to talk to them and say, “Hey, how ya doing?” I want to know if he’s going to take the public’s interest first, or is he going to protect the institution?

I have great respect for the RCMP. It’s not about that. Every one of those folks in red serge knows that I proudly believe in the work that they do. I also believe equally in the public’s safety.

So, I want to hear that the Minister is going to bring them this issue and provide them some instruction that we need to ensure the public’s safety matters and they’re going to update it so it reflects that. Thank you.

Public safety matters to the RCMP and it matters to me, and again, that discussion will happen. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Mr. Moses.