Debates of March 5, 2015 (day 71)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just before we came into the House today, my colleague from Hay River North took me to a website on his computer which indicated a gentleman who has set up a special kind of Hansard, and in that Hansard you can put in key words and it tells you how many times those words were mentioned by certain Members.

I was dismayed to realize that my colleague has mentioned Hay River 40 more times than I have during this session.


Forty-five, oh right, because of his statement today.

So, I cannot let that be the truth. So, Mr. Speaker, I represent Hay River. I live in Hay River. I will grow old in Hay River. I invite people to visit Hay River, especially this weekend for Kamba Carnival. I invite this government to plan meetings, gatherings and conferences in Hay River and enjoy all of the amenities that Hay River has to offer.

Hay River is the NWT’s second largest community. Hay River was built there because of its proximity to the lake and to the Hay River. I want this government to be fair to Hay River residents when they hand out government program services and resources.

Hay River has an amazing business community on the leading edge of things in the area of manufacturing service and retail sectors. Hay River has outstanding volunteers and service clubs and sports organizations. To prove it, Hay River is home to our Olympic athlete, Brendan Green.

Hay River has exceptional schools with educators second to none. Hay River is the headquarters of the territorial library services. Hay River is headquarters to the NWT Liquor Commission. Hay River is headquarters to the Northwest Territories Power Corporation and, Mr. Speaker, Hay River is many, many more things, but I think I might have caught up by now. Thanks, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Item 4, reports of standing and special committees, Mr. Nadli.