Debates of March 12, 2015 (day 76)

17th Assembly, 5th Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay, Mr. Yakeleya


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is to the Minister of ITI. It has been noted that the Sahtu received, to date, $13 million from the royalties from the diamond mines here. There are mining opportunities in this area here and I want to look at opportunities for jobs, especially outside the Yellowknife region.

I want to ask the Minister, what ways are you helping to ensure Sahtu residents are prepared for opportunities in the mining sector, either in this area here or in the Sahtu region?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Mr. Ramsay.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to thank the Member for the question. We have had some success in holding the Mining 101 course. We’ve had a number of these meetings in the Sahtu. Specifically, we’ve been in Fort Good Hope, Deline, Colville Lake, Tulita. We’ve also been to the community of Nahanni Butte and also into Norman Wells. We have to continue to promote mining as a means to economic success here in the Northwest Territories. In the Member’s riding we’ve had some success recently with Selwyn Chihong on the border with the Yukon. We’ve had discussions with those folks recently. That ore body does extend into the Northwest Territories and there is hope that that will be mined in the near future. We also have had some really good results from a stream sedimentary sampling program also on the border with the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, a high incidence of tungsten and gold. There are some real possibilities in the Member’s riding for mining. Our hope is that we get that education component in the communities started right now so that people can look to mining as a career choice.

I want to ask the Minister of ITI in regard to the Sahtu region. I’d like to look at some of the areas that we can explore with the Minister’s engagement with the communities to prepare community workers for training in the mining sector either in Selwyn, Howard’s Pass, MacTung or the DEMCO around Great Bear Lake.

Is the Minister looking at any type of training to prepare for these mining operations?

Mine training would be through Education, Culture and Employment. But what I can say is, unequivocally, any company we’ve talked to is really interested in a northern workforce and finding community members who are interested in working on their projects, and that’s what we’ve heard from companies. So there’s a real willingness of behalf of the companies to employ local people. We’ve heard that from everybody we’ve talked to. So, trying to identify people at the community level that are interested in getting the training and then getting them the training so that when the jobs come they are ready for them is the key to all of this. Thank you.

The people in the Northwest Territories, when they looked at the economic development, such as oil and gas, mining, traditional economy, the fishery industry, anywhere around the North they look at the projects with their eyes wide open and they look at the possibilities.

In regard to the mining sector in the Sahtu, is there a willingness on behalf of his department to look at a mining conference so we can look at the whole buffet sort of thing of what is involved with mining, getting our people ready, getting the region ready if we are to ever, ever get a road into those mines so we can start producing those mines like they do down south? Thank you.

The region has had a history of mining in the past. We certainly have favourable geology in the Member’s riding. If you get out into the mountains, again, near Selwyn Chihong and on the border near Tungsten and also further north, North American Tungsten has the MacTung Project as well. So there’s great opportunity there.

If the Member and the communities in the Sahtu would like us to look at having whether it’s a workshop or a program, I mentioned earlier the Mining 101 that we’ve put on in communities. We could try to ramp that up, and if there’s interest there in the Sahtu, we certainly would like to be there promoting the opportunities when it comes to the mining potential in the Sahtu. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Final, short supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister is correct. In the research I have done, there’s world-class, high-grade potential mineral in the Sahtu. The challenge for us is we don’t have the infrastructure to extract it and develop the jobs. Out of interest in the 2013 youth report, the number one issue for the youth is they want jobs and that’s what I’m looking for.

So, with the Minister’s department, the Sahtu and the Chamber of Commerce, can we look at, within the life of this government, a mining conference that is proposed through his department? Would the Minister look at tabling it to see if we can get a mining conference so we can have more discussions on this type of area? Thank you.

We have to look at the availability of time. I think we’ve got six or seven months left here in the life of this government. I’d certainly like to see something happen in the Sahtu, and if it doesn’t happen during the life of this government it’s something we could include in the transition.

Again, I want to thank the Member for his interest in this. I’m a big believer in what the potential is in the Sahtu, not just in oil and gas but also in mining. Certainly, we could look at having something like a conference or a workshop in the Sahtu at some point in time and I think that is a good idea. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.