Debates of June 4, 2015 (day 83)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just before I begin, our report is much more succinct with only one page. Your Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure is pleased to provide its report on the review of draft hydraulic fracturing regulations and commends it to the House.

The Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure recognizes that the issue of hydraulic fracturing is one of great public importance and interest across the Northwest Territories. Throughout the 17th Assembly, members of the standing committee have invested a great deal of time and research into furthering their understanding of hydraulic fracturing, in keeping with their role within the Government of the Northwest Territories.

The proposed hydraulic fracturing filing regulations were released for 90 days of public review on March 31, 2015. Recently, that engagement period has been extended to at least the end of August 2015. Members of the committee commend the government for recognizing the people of the Northwest Territories call for additional time and consultation. While the committee does not typically review regulations, legislation inherited at devolution has afforded it the opportunity. Members accept this great responsibility, both to our fellow Members and to the people of the Northwest Territories.

At this time the committee has not adopted a position respecting the proposed regulations. Members continue to recognize the vital need for a diversified economy that provides all communities and regions with opportunities and an environment that will sustain present and future generations as set out in the goals of this 17th Legislative Assembly. Further, Members recognize the significance of the Government of the Northwest Territories asserting itself as a northern regulator following devolution and the importance of incorporating northern realities into any regulatory framework.

The committee’s research compares the proposed regulations and the federal requirements, which were in place prior to devolution. Many sections of the proposed regulations mirror the federal requirements, though there are also variations, including new provisions as well as items that were not mirrored.

The committee’s research also provides background information, considering past activity within the Northwest Territories and recognizing keen public interest in items respecting water security, environmental assessment, northern operating conditions, ongoing research and waste management.

Members are eager to continue their participation throughout the remainder of the engagement period. In contribution to that discussion, the committee will table its research today at the appropriate time.