Debates of June 4, 2015 (day 83)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. According to recent reports, the crisis regarding available facilities and beds for our growing populations of elders is coming fast. While we dither, the lineup for seniors care beds and services in Yellowknife and across the NWT is growing rapidly. While we claim that decisions must go through a long capital process, the situation worsens, forcing seniors to leave their northern homes or face the consequences. While we delay, our elder’s population grows by 6 or 7 percent a year.

The Department of Health and Social Services and Avens - A Community for Seniors hired Dr. Hollander to forecast needs for seniors facilities. The study confirmed that the number of seniors in Yellowknife is expected to grow by almost 200 percent in the next 16 years, 125 percent across the NWT. The number of residential care beds needed in Yellowknife will soar by 250 percent and exceed 229 beds. The equivalent for the NWT beds will be a rise of 100 percent, or 400 beds.

Given the lead times required for determining facility locations, designs and program development, securing financing, contracting, staffing and construction, such increases will challenge the continuing care system. Meanwhile, though hospital staff do what they can in cramped quarters and difficult conditions to make space for families in need, we do not have a single palliative care facility in the NWT. This apparent disregard for the well-being of our elders is unacceptable.

The recent plight of 99-year-old Bonnie Bohnet profiled in the media indicates that we are failing our elders now, and immediate action is required. We need to shift the emphasis from funding big industry, with little return, to paying serious attention to people, particularly our elders. They built this territory and it’s time to show we value their efforts and sacrifices on our behalf. Putting facilities in place to assure their comfort and safety as they age would be a darn good start.

With further procrastination, I’m concerned that the likelihood of a catastrophic lack of facilities and tragic consequences will rise. I’m sure we all agree that our elders deserve much better. With half the territory’s residents, there are only 29 care beds for seniors in the capital. A proven body of expertise and resources stands at the ready here to complement any indication that government has the will and commitment to move.

As capital planning season approaches, I urge immediate government action to put a renewed and expanded seniors care facility in place in Yellowknife to meet this desperate need.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.