Debates of February 9, 2015 (day 55)

17th Assembly, 5th Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay, Mr. Yakeleya


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to thank the many fine folks we have working for our public service who have dedicated many hours of effort to bring forth our last budget of the 17th Legislative Assembly. Your hard work is definitely a reflection of the polished product we have before the House and it is important that this House respects this. So, thank you from all of us from the Assembly.

Sometimes we forget, and it is worth noting, the budget is not just an expression of numbers but an expression of our values and unique culture, a culture that everyone in this room cherishes and holds true. For the past few days, many of my colleagues have offered their initial observations to the budget and the opening address of our Minister of Finance. It is clear, even in these early days, there are obstacles before us, there are doubters among us, there will be mistakes uncovered, but I am confident, when the dust settles, there is no limit to what we can achieve if we work together.

So for today, when addressing the budget address at a high level, I believe simplicity is the key. Keeping this theme in mind, I decided that it is only right that I identify the top 10 highlights that describe the last budget of the 17th Legislative Assembly and how historians may judge us. With that, here are those top 10 highlights from the office of Range Lake.


If one is approaching the fiscal edge of a cliff, check for flat tires.


Don’t tell me; show me you can handle more debt.


A plan or strategy without an investment is merely a fairy tale, so please stop with the perpetual planning and frameworks of inaction.


Our number one control of expenses is wage dollars, then right size, not downsize, your GNWT workforce.


The plan was devolution then evolution. So what is the plan when there is a revolution?


If one says we need to make sure our expenditures grow in line with our revenues, please check your math, because four-to-one is not one-to-one unless you are the graduate of our ECE Discover Math Program.


If we borrow, we must repay. Then please specify who is co-signing your credit card application forms when you leave.


If we rolled up 5,000 kilometres of red tape 310 days ago, then why the spray painted ‘F’ on our 2015 report card? You can table your response in the House when completing the following 12 department questionnaires.


We have the only Finance Minister in Canada that can crosshair caribou herd management and people management with the same “ready, aim, fire” trigger analogy.


The number one highlight that describes the last budget of the 17th Legislative Assembly, the Finance Minister is always quick to count the days we have left. We say, just don’t count the days, be a good Minister and make them count.

Mr. Speaker and colleagues, thanks for allowing me to bring my top 10 list today before the House. It is utterly important that we start to make sure that the taxpayer is getting value for their budget dollar. We owe them no less. The world is living in economic fear and the North is not immune. We need to break the cycle of fear for our residents and businesses, and this can only be achieved with calculated vision and good economic medicine.

Now, Mr. Speaker, through you, I turn my attention to the Minister of Finance and, in the spirit of Mr. DiCaprio, I say, Mr. Minister, sell me this budget. Thank you.