Debates of May 23, 2019 (day 72)


Question 703-18(3): Arctic Sovereignty

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Earlier I made a statement about sovereignty in the Arctic, and the Premier's sessional statement reflected a lot of what we're trying to focus on, especially in our Arctic region, where there is a lack of infrastructure. Mr. Speaker, my question is to the Premier. Can the Premier update the House on any discussions he's had with the federal government on Arctic sovereignty? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Thank you. Premier.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the Member has raised and I spoke to in my statement, Canada needs to take action in the Arctic, and our governments and people lead this dialogue. The best way for Canada to show its commitment to its Arctic is through significant investment in its people, economies, science, and infrastructure. I have been clear to the federal government about the need for this investment. I have been clear that northern voices need to be heard. I have also specifically spoken to the need for investment in support of the safety and security of our borders and people.

I am pleased to say that we've had some positive signals from Canada in this area, in particular related to investments and infrastructure and cleaner and more affordable energy for the territory, and in the development and moving forward with Bill C-88 and negotiations related to the offshore.

There's also been the creation of an Arctic region for the Coast Guard. However, as I made clear in my statement today, there is need to do much more.

It's good to hear that from the Premier, and that the Government of the Northwest Territories is working with the federal counterparts. We talk about climate change a lot, and I know I have during this Assembly in the last three-and-a-half years, but one of the things is infrastructure and action by our federal counterparts. My second question is: has the government of the Northwest Territories partnered with any of our Indigenous governments on efforts to promote sovereignty in the Arctic regions?

As the Member noted in his statement, the Arctic has been home to Indigenous people long before it was ever traversed by European explorers. The people of the Canadian Arctic are Canada's Arctic sovereignty. Therefore, the work of Indigenous governments and the Government of the Northwest Territories is supporting sovereignty on a daily basis. By working to keep the Indigenous cultures and languages of the territory vibrant, we are demonstrating sovereignty. We also demonstrate sovereignty by work to strengthen communities, build wellness, and create opportunities for prosperity. As the climatic and geopolitical realities in the Arctic continue to shift, it is the federal government that now must step up to the plate and work with the people of the Northwest Territories.


Thank you. Oral questions. Member for Nunakput.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I do not have much more. I appreciate the response from the Premier. I am afraid. Earlier in my Member's statement, with the announcement of countries like the United States calling on China and Russia, it opens up the doors as the start of a race, so that is one of the things that concerns me, and I think it needs for us to work together. So, Mr. Speaker, my final question is: would the Premier be willing to tour my riding with representatives possibly from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation as well as with the MP of the Northwest Territories?

Yes, we are committed to holding Cabinet open houses in each riding, and we will work with the Member to ensure these take place before the end of the 18th Assembly. I would be pleased to have all three levels of government present in his riding if the Member for Nunakput would like to invite the Member of Parliament and the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation into his riding at the same time as the Cabinet open house. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Thank you. Oral questions. Member for Mackenzie Delta.