Caitlin Cleveland

Membre de Kam Lake

Circonscription électorale de Kam Lake

L’honorable Caitlin Cleveland a été élue pour la première fois en 2019 en tant que députée de la 19e Assemblée dans la circonscription de Kam Lake; elle assume les fonctions de ministre de l’Éducation, de la Culture et de la Formation et de ministre de l’Industrie, du Tourisme et de l’Investissement depuis 2023, après avoir été élue par acclamation à la 20e Assemblée législative.

En plus d’avoir possédé et exploité une entreprise dans le Nord pendant plus de 20 ans, la ministre Cleveland a occupé divers rôles en communication et en politique dans les secteurs public et privé avant de se lancer en politique.

De 2019 à 2023, elle a présidé le Comité permanent des affaires sociales, réalisant ainsi son objectif de participer aux discussions et aux décisions concernant les programmes sociaux des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Accomplissant un travail remarquable au sein du Comité, elle a notamment guidé le rigoureux examen des recommandations sur le logement aux TNO et des contributions qui y ont été apportées, et a participé aux efforts liés à la prévention du suicide, à l’amélioration de la prise en charge des enfants placés et au soutien des familles.

Dans le cadre de ses portefeuilles, la ministre Cleveland s’efforce d’aider les enfants à devenir des Ténois épanouis qui savent saisir les occasions qui s’offrent à eux et bâtissent des carrières fructueuses, contribuant à une économie en pleine croissance. Elle préconise la mise en place de nouvelles approches en matière de diversification sectorielle et d’innovation, et veille à ce que le Nord accueille à la fois des travailleurs étrangers qualifiés et attire des investissements dans les ressources en minéraux critiques du territoire. Elle est sans relâche en quête de solutions pour un accès efficace et équitable aux programmes et aux services, œuvrant pour une vision commune des TNO où l’on aide les résidents à vivre, travailler et s’épanouir à leur guise. 

La ministre Cleveland réside avec son mari et leurs trois enfants à Yellowknife, où elle vit depuis toujours.


Kam Lake
Bureau de circonscription
Bureau de la ministre

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte
Ministre de l'Industrie, du Tourisme et de l'Investissement Ministre de l'Éducation, de la Culture et de l'Emploi

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I absolutely agree with the Member that child care is very important. You know, having been a selfemployed individual when I had my three children at home, if I did not go to work there was there was no sick days. There's no sick days when you're selfemployed so I absolutely understand that.

As far as what is going on in the territory right now in order to create spaces, when we talk about policy change and policy evolution, one of the things that happened in the territory for the first time ever is if you live in public housing and you want to open a...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, in reflection of the fact that a lot of students use northern distance learning and its importance to their education, it was ensured that any reductions to this program would not prevent students from accessing the program. And so the cuts are primarily to use more virtual meetings, so instructors and such that at one point would travel or students who would travel, that has been turned into more virtual settings. And then there's also some changes to technology uses on the back end. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'd like to start, and then I'd like to pass it to the assistant deputy minister, Mr. Saturnino. But, for starters, absolutely there's more that can be done as far as employers learning about the wage subsidies. And I think that especially when it comes to achieving our goal of increasing SNAP apprentices across the territory especially outside of Yellowknife, the more work that can be done in order to find those employers and make sure that they know that they are eligible for wage subsidies, I am a firm believer that us as MLAs have a role to...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, those regulations are still in development. And so they go through a process where they are we work closely with the Department of Justice to do that. And then before they can go public for consultation sorry, engagement, they must be translated. And so that's the part of the process that we are in right now. And so as soon as the translation is complete, then those will be available for public engagement. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I absolutely agree with the Member. I know that we are both products of being able to be in French language schools in this territory and are able now to pass that on to our own children, which is definitely a privilege and one that I would like for Northerners to be able to continue.

So within that funding, the Member is right. There's a sunset of funding related to the CanadaNWT Cooperation Agreement on minority language education and second official language instruction, and the Member was totally in tune with his math as well. $1.453 million is...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, what I can say is that I would like to ensure that we have a department that is doing its part to support the revitalization of Indigenous languages across the territory. I think that there is work to be done both external and internal to the government, and part of that is the Indigenous Recruitment and Retention Framework that is put in play by the Minister of Finance as well and services to the public that is coming out of the GNWT. There's also work that is being done right now in regards to, that I've spoken to already today, like the MAP...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you so much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, that's not a hundred percent of the story. That is definitely the primary driver for their reductions, but it is not a hundred percent. But I can definitely say that their selection of what dollars that they were not going to use and suggest for this exercise were intentionally not tied to transformation. But for additional detail, I would like the opportunity to invite another assistant deputy minister to join me at the table.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, the trades trailers are owned by Aurora College and so would fall under their operations. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, to my left I have Mr. Jamie Fulford, who is the deputy minister of Education, Culture and Employment. And to my right, I have Shannon BarnettAikman, who is the assistant deputy minister of education and early learning.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would have to phone a friend for that one, but I believe it is worked into federal and GNWT agreements with Indigenous governments. But may I please pass to the deputy minister.