Lucy Kuptana

Member Nunakput

Circonscription électorale de Nunakput

Lucy Kuptana a été élue à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest en novembre 2023 pour représenter la circonscription de Nunakput, qui comprend les collectivités de Paulatuk, de Sachs Harbour, de Tuktoyaktuk et d’Ulukhaktok.

Juste avant son élection, Mme Kuptana était directrice générale du Hameau de Tuktoyaktuk. Elle a également occupé le poste de membre du conseil d’administration de l’Administration scolaire de district de Tuktoyaktuk.

Pendant 22 ans, Mme Kuptana a été la directrice des opérations, des communications et de la culture de la Société régionale inuvialuite. À titre de bénévole, elle a été membre du conseil d’administration de la Inuvik Homeless Shelter Society, administratrice du Prix Inspiration Arctique, présidente de la Société inuvialuite des communications, membre du conseil d’administration de la Société inuvialuite de placement, membre du conseil d’administration des sociétés communautaires de Tuktoyaktuk et d’Inuvik, et membre du comité des Jeux de la jeunesse du Nord 2023 « Inuvialuit Piuyausiat » à Tuktoyaktuk.

Mme Kuptana est originaire d’Aklavik et a grandi à son camp familial établi sur les terres ancestrales du delta du Mackenzie. Elle a obtenu un certificat de niveau II et de niveau III en administration communautaire au Collège Aurora au début des années 1990 et y est retournée pour obtenir un diplôme en administration des affaires et en gestion en 2013. Mme Kuptana poursuit actuellement des études dans le cadre du Programme de gouvernance et d’administration publique des Premières Nations à l’Université du Yukon.

Malgré une carrière fructueuse s’étendant sur plusieurs décennies, Mme Kuptana attribue ses réalisations à ses parents et à sa famille élargie, à son mari, à ses deux fils et à ses deux petits-enfants. À ce sujet, elle dit devoir une grande partie de sa carrière à sa famille, aux aînés et à tous ceux qui se sont battus – et qui continuent de se battre – pour les droits des Autochtones et des Inuvialuits.

Le principe qui guide Mme Kuptana est de diriger avec respect et empathie et avec les connaissances et la volonté de travailler sans relâche pour le bien commun de ses électeurs et de tous les résidents des Territoires du Nord-Ouest.



Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte
Ministre responsable du logement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Ministre responsable de la Condition féminine

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 35)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I want to talk about gender-based violence.

Two out of 100 residents in the Northwest Territories have reported intimate partner and family violence to the police. As of 2019, Statistics Canada lists the Northwest Territories as having the second highest rate of police-reported intimate partner and family violence in Canada, and we know that not everyone reports these incidents to the police.

Women are disproportionally affected by gender-based violence. Gender-based violence comes in many forms, and some of the people experiencing this violence may not...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Housing NWT works with the Tlicho government for housing retrofits and construction in the Tlicho region. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I asked the vice-president of finance and infrastructure, and he confirmed the funds to retrofit these units for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. A major retrofit for a housing unit would include electrical, plumbing, foundation work, roofing work. It's detailed work to extend the life of the housing unit. But I will ask vice-president of finance and infrastructure to give more of a detailed description of our major retrofit. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. President Eleanor Young will describe the Fort Liard market housing retrofit. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, vice-president of finance and infrastructure will reply to the question. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. CMHC and CIRNAC, we had a bilateral agreement signed with CIRNAC in 2020, and those agreements provide us operations and maintenance dollars to maintain the public housing units across the Northwest Territories. It's approximately $19 million combined, $18 million combined, something in that range. It's declining year to year. We have the bilateral agreement that will decline -- or will end in 2028, and the CMHC agreement will end in 2038. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Housing NWT realizes that much of its stock is aging, aging stock. Again, the needs across the territory are great. There's been a number of reports of housing needs across the Northwest Territories. And hopefully with the territorial housing needs assessment that's going to be completed over the next six months will provide better data both for Housing NWT and this government. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Over the last number of years, Housing NWT has provided reports, done community housing plans with communities, has provided assessment reports with various contractors, has held NWT Housing forums, has met with Indigenous governments, signed collaborative agreements with Indigenous governments to work together. There's much work being done but the funding is limited again. So this is both a federal issue, a territorial issue, and something that we have to work together in partnership to get things done. But the work continues. Housing NWT has come up with a three-year...