Daniel McNeely
Déclarations dans les débats
Thanks to the Member from Great Slave. Minister of Justice.
Thank you to the Member of Great Slave. Minister Wawzonek, do you have any comments?
Thank you. Sergeant-at-arms, please escort the witnesses into the Chamber.
Would the Minister please introduce the witnesses.
Committee, the Department of Justice begins on page 62. We will defer the department totals and review the estimates by activity summary, beginning on page 63. Are there any questions? Okay, seeing none.
The Department of Justice, corrections, infrastructure investments, $880,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you to the Member of Great Slave. Minister Wawzonek.
Thank you. Thank you, Minister. We have agreed to begin with the general comments on the capital estimates. Does any Member wish to make any general comments before we consider the tabled documents in detail? Seeing none. Thank you, Members.
No further general comments, we will proceed to the details of the tabled documents beginning with Department of Finance. Does the Minister wish to bring witnesses into the chamber?
Does committee agree? Thank you. Sergeant-at-arms, please escort the witnesses into the chamber. Would the Minister please introduce the witnesses.
Thank you to the Member from Great Slave. Minister Wawzonek.
Agreed. Okay, we will start after a short eight-minute break. Mahsi.
The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake.