Kate Reid

Députée de Great Slave

Circonscription électorale de Great Slave 

Kate Reid a été élue députée de la circonscription de Great Slave à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. 

Kate Reid est née dans la ville d’Oshawa, en Ontario, en 1981. Elle vit à Yellowknife depuis 1989. Son parcours témoigne de la diversité de ses intérêts et de sa volonté inébranlable de contribuer au bien-être de sa collectivité. 

Kate Reid a commencé sa carrière en tant que journaliste, après avoir obtenu un baccalauréat en journalisme à la Toronto Metropolitan University en 2003. Son intérêt pour la recherche l’a amenée à travailler à la bibliothèque municipale de Yellowknife, puis à s’inscrire à l’université de Toronto, où elle a décroché une maîtrise en sciences de l’information en 2009. De retour dans le Nord, elle a apprécié de pouvoir rejoindre le personnel des Archives des TNO, où a germé sa passion pour la préservation et le partage des histoires qui peignent le portrait de notre territoire et de son gouvernement. Kate Reid a ensuite travaillé au ministère de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, où elle a mis son expertise au service des enjeux environnementaux, contribuant ainsi au développement durable par son travail législatif et politique pendant cinq ans avant d’être élue députée. 

En dehors de sa vie professionnelle, Kate Reid est mariée et trouve réconfort et inspiration dans toute une gamme de passe-temps. Son amour pour la musique, l’art, le burlesque, le drag, le cinéma et les voyages témoigne de ses goûts éclectiques et de sa passion pour l’exploration culturelle. 

Son dévouement au service de sa collectivité est exemplaire, marqué par son rôle de présidente de la YWCA des TNO de 2021 à 2023. Son leadership s’étend au domaine culturel, Kate Reid ayant été directrice de Folk on the Rocks, un festival de musique annuel qui enrichit le paysage culturel de Yellowknife. En outre, elle a activement contribué à des événements communautaires tels que NWT Pride, Yellowknife Pride et Burn on the Bay et a été présidente de la section locale 11 du Syndicat des travailleurs du Nord en 2019 et de 2021 à 2023, ce qui illustre son engagement envers la défense des intérêts et du bien-être de ses concitoyens.


Member Kate Reid
Great Slave

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Minister for that. So what I'm hearing is some work has occurred and he's willing to share that work with Members. That's fantastic. Can that work that is scoped include timelines from when Alberta drops the gauntlet to what it would look like here and in terms of how long it would take us to catch up with Alberta? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the Minister's offer and/or commitment to meet with committee around Marine Transportation Services. Quickly, can she speak to, since this isn't her portfolio, if whether the department is working with ECC on water level monitoring and projections for the coming year? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to my colleagues. I've realized I've been too serious these days, so this is a little bit of fun for everyone.

The Minister of Justice released the daylight savings What We Heard report in 2023, early 2023, Mr. Speaker. We're sitting here a year later. So will the current Minister of Justice commit to moving the territory to permanent time in the life of the 20th Assembly? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Can the Minister please tell committee how much is partially offset by CIRNAC? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. My question is about the adult outofterritory supportive living services. I was wondering if the Minister could speak to whether or not that is due to increased users I suppose, or is it because of increased cost to the government from the services rendered? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thank you for the indulgence. It's a very quick question. I heard when another Member was asking about the collective agreement that one of the witnesses said it's retroactive for five years. However, I just want to clarify the collective agreement is for five years but it should be retroactive for three fiscal years, is that correct, from 20212022 on? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The first item, providing funding for HRHSSA collective agreement, I recognize we're speaking to about one of these items, but perhaps with the chair's indulgence, I'll ask my question, which is this line item shows up in or sorry, this line item shows up in multiple functions within Health and Social Services. Could the Minister please clarify why that is?

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thank you to the Minister. I'm curious if this additional expense had anything to do with the let's call it a dustup with Alberta around oil sands in the last fiscal year? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Nothing further.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, I will move the following motion:

And further, that this Legislative Assembly calls upon the Premier to write a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly, and permanent representative of Canada to the United Nations Bob Rae, that will call upon the Canadian government to:

Call for an immediate and effective ceasefire and halt to violence by both Israel and Hamas;

Advocate for the immediate release of all hostages;

Advocate for, and provide funds for, unhindered access...