Kieron Testart

Député de Range Lake

Circonscription électorale de Range Lake 

Kieron Testart a été élu député de la circonscription de Range Lake à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. 

Kieron Testart est né le 22 mars 1985 à Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Il a grandi aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest, résidant d’abord à Tuktoyaktuk puis à Yellowknife, où il vit aujourd’hui avec sa famille. Son parcours diversifié et la richesse de ses expériences ont façonné son engagement envers le développement de la collectivité et une gouvernance efficace. 

Kieron Testart a été élu député de Kam Lake lors de la 18e législature; lors de son mandat, il a su prouver sa grande compréhension des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés ses électeurs. Au-delà de ses fonctions législatives, M. Testart a contribué de manière significative au développement économique de la région, à titre de directeur du développement économique de la Première Nation des Dénés Yellowknives de 2021 à 2023. Son rôle de coordonnateur de programme pour Canadian Parents for French de 2020 à 2021 témoigne de son engagement envers l’éducation et la défense de la langue. 

Il a en outre contribué à l’analyse des politiques au sein du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et a été shérif adjoint de 2009 à 2014. Le parcours académique de Kieron Testart l’a amené à décrocher un baccalauréat en sciences politiques de l’Université de Lethbridge (2004-2009) et un certificat en gouvernance parlementaire de l’Université McGill (2017). 

Marié à Colleen, il est l’heureux père de Corbin, Eve et Leander. Dans sa vie privée, Kieron Testart voue notamment une profonde passion à la Formule 1 et au sport automobile et s’adonne à divers passe-temps. Il aime le cinéma et le théâtre, s’intéresse à l’activisme local, et suit de très près les affaires internationales. L’engagement de M. Testart envers la collectivité va au-delà du domaine politique. Bénévole dévoué, il s’implique activement dans diverses causes : il siège notamment au conseil d’administration de l’Association libérale fédérale des TNO depuis 2011, contribuant ainsi aux activités du Parti libéral du Canada. Il a par ailleurs occupé un poste au sein du conseil d’administration du chapitre ténois de Canadian Parents for French de 2014 à 2020 et a été mentor de jeunes au sein de Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs du Canada en 2014-2015.


Member Kieron Testart
Range Lake

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

I think that to start off I'd like to thank all the colleagues and all the MLAs for their hard work on this document and for collaborating effectively to bring something complete to the table. That being said, there are several issues with this process that I think need to be improved upon. The mandate ought not to be a business plan. We have business plans for those. It ought not to be a budget document. We have a budget process for those. What it ought to be is a set of political commitments that are gathered together to form a concise plan that gives certainty to Members of this House and...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

Given the imminent concerns of our fiscal situation in the Northwest Territories, will there be costsaving efficiencies as a result of standardizing care in the NWT?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Given the importance of the health care system and that any major changes to it are significant concern for our residents, will the Minister of Health and Social Services provide an explanation for the delay of the transformation of health care in the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

Mr. Speaker, one of the highest priorities of any government must be the health and well-being of its citizens. The delivery of quality and affordable healthcare is a cornerstone of good government in Canada and it's something that Northerners have come to expect. Yet the standards of the Northwest Territories' healthcare system vary wildly across regions and not all of our residents have the same standard of care. The 17th Assembly recognized the need to take action on improving healthcare and began the process of health system transformation in an effort to provide the best possible care to...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

I would like to speak in support of my colleague's motion. When we are speaking of our overall vision moving forward, reminding people of some very specific point in time, entirely relevant statistics and fiscal challenges are not as helpful to a plan, a plan to move ahead. I would prefer, if we are going to speak to these challenges, that we do it in the context of the initiatives we are going to use to get around these, rather than focusing on the specific numbers that are representative of our economy in decline and challenges to our government. I would rather see those numbers reflected in...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and onto the point of improved health care. Will there be reduced wait times and more access to medical professionals after the implementation of the new system? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

On to the issue of regional wellness committees, what progress has been made in selecting those committees? What kinds of input are going into those choices?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd also like to recognize Mandee McDonald and Erin Freeland Ballantyne. Both work with Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, which is a great made-in-the-North post-secondary institution, and it's good to see them here. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 2)

That is exactly why I asked these questions today. We have heard at length of how great the program is and how it is achieving results. Those are the kind of the results we need to move our economy forward and I'm pleased to hear that that the Premier will be looking at expanding the program and the possibility there.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we've heard of the slowdown in our economy and the decline in mineral exploration. I'd like to ask the Premier what is being done to reverse the course of the slowdown in exploration and what concrete actions we're moving forward on.