Kieron Testart

Député de Range Lake

Circonscription électorale de Range Lake 

Kieron Testart a été élu député de la circonscription de Range Lake à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. 

Kieron Testart est né le 22 mars 1985 à Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Il a grandi aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest, résidant d’abord à Tuktoyaktuk puis à Yellowknife, où il vit aujourd’hui avec sa famille. Son parcours diversifié et la richesse de ses expériences ont façonné son engagement envers le développement de la collectivité et une gouvernance efficace. 

Kieron Testart a été élu député de Kam Lake lors de la 18e législature; lors de son mandat, il a su prouver sa grande compréhension des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés ses électeurs. Au-delà de ses fonctions législatives, M. Testart a contribué de manière significative au développement économique de la région, à titre de directeur du développement économique de la Première Nation des Dénés Yellowknives de 2021 à 2023. Son rôle de coordonnateur de programme pour Canadian Parents for French de 2020 à 2021 témoigne de son engagement envers l’éducation et la défense de la langue. 

Il a en outre contribué à l’analyse des politiques au sein du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et a été shérif adjoint de 2009 à 2014. Le parcours académique de Kieron Testart l’a amené à décrocher un baccalauréat en sciences politiques de l’Université de Lethbridge (2004-2009) et un certificat en gouvernance parlementaire de l’Université McGill (2017). 

Marié à Colleen, il est l’heureux père de Corbin, Eve et Leander. Dans sa vie privée, Kieron Testart voue notamment une profonde passion à la Formule 1 et au sport automobile et s’adonne à divers passe-temps. Il aime le cinéma et le théâtre, s’intéresse à l’activisme local, et suit de très près les affaires internationales. L’engagement de M. Testart envers la collectivité va au-delà du domaine politique. Bénévole dévoué, il s’implique activement dans diverses causes : il siège notamment au conseil d’administration de l’Association libérale fédérale des TNO depuis 2011, contribuant ainsi aux activités du Parti libéral du Canada. Il a par ailleurs occupé un poste au sein du conseil d’administration du chapitre ténois de Canadian Parents for French de 2014 à 2020 et a été mentor de jeunes au sein de Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs du Canada en 2014-2015.


Member Kieron Testart
Range Lake

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thank you very much to the mover of this motion and the chair of the Standing Committee on Social Development. She's very passionate about this topic, and we spent a great deal of time at the standing committee talking about how we could incorporate these concerns into our report on Bill 8 when this issue of funding Indigenous communities and Indigenous students is relevant to every community in the Northwest Territories.

The school boards in Yellowknife, for example the English school boards, they have -- run a third of their funding comes from Jordan's Principle to...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I apologize for the confusion. Mr. Speaker, how are we going to -- like, what is the Minister's solution to at least forecast these costs better so we're not constantly blowing up our operational surpluses and going to Ottawa to increase the credit card? How can we put a plan in place or a system in place that allows us to control these better? Because whatever's been done to date isn't working. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the two portfolios are closely intertwined so I understand the confusion there. Because when Infrastructure can't manage its projects or can't predict these projects, it impacts the finance side. Our entire operational surplus wiped out because of cost overruns largely driven by capital costs, especially around NTPC, which is this Minister's -- within this Minister's remit as well. So why does NTPC continue to fail to bring its costs under control, continue to post these large cost overruns that are driving us into short-term debt? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to acknowledge former Northwest Territories Premier Joe Handley who was named one of this year's Symons Medal recipients. The Symons Medal is awarded to outstanding individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to Canadian life, and former Premier Handley has no doubt earned this honour for his decades of dedication to northern society.

Mr. Handley has had an impressive career as an educator and public servant who has worked as deputy minister for numerous departments, including the housing corporation, renewable resources, and economic...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories has long prided itself on its fiscal discipline through instruments like the fiscal responsibility policy, robust capacity, and the financial management board secretariat. And a keen ability to leverage federal funding into 75 or 100 percent dollars, our government has proven it has what it takes to manage complex fiscal challenges. That is why it's so alarming that the GNWT's largest ever projected operating surplus has evaporated now to such a severe deficit that the Finance Minister is asking the Prime Minister to raise the debt...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, is it time for -- as we're on the power corp, is it time for the board to be -- private board to be -- or public board to be reinstated without deputy ministers to steer the power corporation towards sustainability and towards running the company like a business rather than a department? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister of Infrastructure perhaps can speak to -- let's -- or sorry, you've given me a pickle. But structural -- so the structural debt of the power corporation, I suppose, whichever Minister wants to answer that question, I'll leave it in your hands.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to get to the bottom of these cost overruns that I brought up in my Member's statement. Can the Minister of Infrastructure speak to what appears to be a systemic problem with how we're budgeting projects? Let's start there. Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'm very pleased to recognize former Premier for the Northwest Territories, and my neighbour, Joe Handley and his lovely wife Theresa Handley. Thank you for being here today.