Robert Hawkins
Déclarations dans les débats
Thank you. If the offer is on the detail of how long they’ve been vacant and the money attributed to that specific position, that will be all I require.
Not all employees are created equally and there’s an average being used. I mean, a deputy minister’s salary is much different than a clerk’s salary and certainly a correctional officer’s salary is different than, say, a director’s salary, so it’s difficult to know what reference he’s using or not wanting to ask. Is there a reason why he doesn’t want to assist with the clarification of this number?
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Under regional allocation we have 475 employees allocated here. Would the department be able to break out, out of its individual regions, how many of the positions are funded and unfunded? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I can see through the position allocation and activity on the further page, I’m not speaking to that, but what I’m asking about is the garnered dollars. How many positions are vacant in this particular section? I’ll start with that first question. Better under the compensation and benefits area of $4.1 million.
The 9 percent I am referring to specifically, what would that add up to in dollar value? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. They, again, are doing these things, but the housing authority isn’t taking the landlord of the units, that we lease and pay a hefty sum for, to the rentals office. So I would like the Minister to show some leadership on this issue to say that if we have anything outstanding over 30 days, that falls under the Residential Tenancies Act, we are going to start filing, and that will motivate these landlords to comply with the rules as clearly stipulated under the Residential Tenancies Act. He could do that today and he could send a letter not only to just the Yellowknife...
That will be fine.
Well, the Minister just told me I can do the math. Now he’s telling me it’s impossible to calculate and he can’t calculate that value, so I’m trying to understand. How much of this is in resource value, in the sense of dollars and, perhaps, what’s the average vacancy of the Department of Justice? Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, they are a third-party source tenant situation here. We have Yellowknife Housing renting the units from a landlord. The tenant itself through Yellowknife Housing, by way of example, has no tenancy rights on this because they are directly responsible. It is the housing authority that has a direct contract with the landlord. That is where the responsibility lies.
So I ask again to the Housing Minister, if this isn’t the case, why isn’t this the case? Because I can tell you I have had habitual complaints all built around things like heating, access, safety and other responsibilities...
Can the department provide me the information on the summary of dollar value attributed specifically to those vacant positions and, obviously, what positions they are so we can stop calling them vacant positions? Thank you.