Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I might not have had a third question but I just want to clarify on the record, in my case I'm not worried about board; I'm worried about boards as a territorial MLA and hence the issue to me is if it's reflective in Yellowknife, it could be reflective in every riding. So will she ensure that all ridings are  sorry, all education districts receive the same type of question and support? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

So exciting. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I can't contain my excitement. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, my next set of questions is targeted to the  I shouldn't say targeted, but being offered ever so kindly to the Minister of education. And so during the campaign, a lot of the teachers complained about the BC curriculum coming in because the lack of foresighted training for  and prep for them. So in other words, they're being handed these packages of saying hey, now good luck, and they had to implement it. Mr. Speaker, what can the Minister of education do to help support these teachers who still haven't...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Mr. Speaker, we're not really talking about a lot of students here. We're literally talking anywhere from 10 to 50 students who need to go beyond that $60,000 cap, Mr. Speaker. What's the Minister's apprehension, really, at the end of the day for expanding the cap? Because we know it's not a lot of students, and she would have the numbers of how many exact students would be attending. So what's her apprehension? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm excited to ask the next batch of questions to the Minister of education.

Under the Student Financial Assistance Act, section 10(3)(a), so that doesn't mean much to the public, but what it is is it specifically points out to the cap of SFA provided to Northerners attending postsecondary school, Mr. Speaker, which happens to be $60,000 in total. That's your total cap of what you can take.

So, Mr. Speaker, recognizing the costs and ever changing needs of Northerners seeking education and recognizing the fact that we want to support Northerners to get education and even...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

So, Mr. Speaker, what is the department doing in the sense of selling this as an opportunity other than saying pick us? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in my Member's statement today I put it out the department of national defence is looking for some place in the North to house some of their F35 planes, Mr. Speaker. They're buying new they're getting delivery in two years, Mr. Speaker. So my question is for the Minister of Infrastructure. And I'd like to know what the department is doing in recognition that the national defence department of Canada is shopping around for a new base. Is the department aware of this, and what are they doing with that knowledge? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I too wish to lend my voice to say thank you and express my appreciation and sincere admiration to the mover and the seconder on this motion. The fact is we need to show courage on this issue. It is an unsurmountable one in its own way, but we should not be afraid to stare it down and say we're going to tackle it. Mr. Speaker, I hope the Cabinet will do the honourable thing and recognize these rights; and furthermore, I hope the Cabinet realizes that ultimately our Indigenous partners may be certainly the gateway or onramp for opportunity here. Seeing them around the...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think I've kind of given it now, have I not, if you think about it. Mr. Speaker, the Minister says the information  sorry, the names or the list is being monitored, Mr. Speaker. And we all know that the waiting list could be between four and six years. Ironically, that's how long it takes to become a doctor so maybe some of these people could, you know, serve their needs.

Mr. Speaker, is the Minister willing to find a way to make this list transparent so people know where they're sitting and waiting on this list because it seems like one of those endless, bottomless...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the amazing opportunity to ask another question to the government.

Mr. Speaker, I wanted to return to the waitlist to the Minister of Health and Social Services. And as we all know that through information given that there's about 2,000 people on the waitlist, and I'm trying to figure out how people  sorry, how the department deals with people knowing whether they're chronic and urgent people who need doctors or not. So in other words, how do they manage the list and try to make sure that people move forward on the list who are of urgent need? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I had heard and spoken to some people on the education industry that report cards could have been delayed, and there was a bit of an offtherails process about having the right training and ability to fill out the report cards based on the BC curriculum.

Mr. Speaker, would the Minister look at sending people to the education boards to make sure that we have that knowledge on how to work through them in a cooperative and collaborative way? Thank you.