Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I talked about the need for some type of regulation over tanning equipment, whether it’s beds, booths or even lamps that people use for cosmetic purposes. The risk out there is not only well known but it’s certainly proven. My question for the Minister of Health and Social Services today is: Is his department aware of the types of risks associated with indoor tanning and if they are, what are they doing out there to protect our youth? Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

If there’s not a defined formal policy on social passing, where does it come up in the dialogue or policies under ECE? Where is it referenced? It seems to be an acknowledged policy or informal policy, so it must come up on something.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I’d like to talk about tanning equipment because it’s time that we have some type of discussion on tanning beds, booths, lamps and their use for cosmetic purposes. The public discussion and information is really required.

It’s an issue brought forward to me by a number of constituents who have had grave cause in some of the recent findings, because tanning devices, as we know them, do cause cancer. The World Health Organization officially classified them as a carcinogenic item back in 2009.

The average person doesn’t know that some tanning beds emit ultraviolet...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My next question to the department would be: Do they have a defined policy on social passing?

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate this opportunity to say a few brief words. The subject will be no stranger to the Minister’s ears as I bring it up, which is the independent campus of Aurora College, and spoken many times about how we should finally reach that particular point within our college development and long-term forecasting of our college programming where we should be able to say to ourselves that it is time to develop an independent campus here in Yellowknife.

Aurora College, for a number of years, has been an anchor tenant in the Northern United building, which I think the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 5)

If the Minister wants to be evasive on the fact or use semantics, call it whatever he feels like that makes him happy. This number of $18-plus million has to show up somewhere. It doesn’t just show up as a mysterious number, because it’s allocated out to the departments through normal budgeting. Then it’s being clawed back for reasons we all know why, because of services. It’s being brought into the Department of Public Works through the TSE. Now it just looks like it sits in the Department TSE as a chargeback and it doesn’t show it goes anywhere. I’m asking where does it go after it’s being...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Chair. We’ve slowed down from the blistering pace of reviewing the budget. I was just wondering, can the department provide some examples as to what purchased services are for $69,000 and as well as some examples of the contract services it looks like for $974,000. Now, I know this is the ‘12-13 budget, but they should be able to give me a predictability or framework of things they intend to purchase or what should typically fall under this. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

Has the GNWT fully adopted the complete National Building Code? Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to table a number of documents today. The first package of documents is the e-mail from the Minister of Transportation to me dated February 14th.

The next package I would like to table is a note, plus a similar package of information, an e-mail Monday, May 28th.

The third part of this compendium would be the copy of the Hansard particular page I was referring to that highlights a bunch of commitments.

The next item I would like to table is off a Twitter account under the name of Tait Communications, notably page 3. It cites Det’on Cho Construction in Halifax...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

Tough. Okay, that’s fine. I guess seeing how it was brought up, the National Building Code, by a previous Member, although he does represent – and I appreciate that – certain idealism that probably isn’t shared by very many people here, I will ask the department have they adopted the National Building Code and if not, why not. Thank you.