Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Well, again, I state that I’m pleased that it’s going to a training group. I didn’t realize we had so many treatment centres that we had to get rid of one, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, I want to know what the total cost has been for the number of years since we had it on the books. What was the total cost to maintain that facility while it’s been empty?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

My questions shouldn’t be perceived in any way that I’m against the building actually being dusted off and used. I think it’s a real shame that it’s been empty for so long and probably heated forever at an exorbitant rate.

Mr. Speaker, I want to know: will we retain ownership of this building, or has that been given away in this agreement? If it has been given away, what financial gains has the territorial government made?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My position is quite simple. I’d rather not be in the back seat riding along with this issue. I’d rather be in the driver’s seat on this issue.

The Minister did mention some potential amendments. All I’m calling for is some public discussion, maybe an ad in the paper or on the radio saying that we’re looking for feedback from citizens of the Northwest Territories on this issue. Let’s get control of this issue. Let’s get ahead of the bubble. Let’s grab hold of it and make sure we know what people want and put safety first. Would the Minister do that?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

I heard that very clearly this time around. Does the Minister have any suggestions as to how we’re going to get public feedback on this issue? I’m glad to hear the Ministry is….


Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions will be directed to the Minister of Transportation today.

In my Member’s statement I talked about good public discussion on issues such as using cellphones while driving and, of course, smoking in cars with children. As a package issue would the Minister be willing to get out there and see what Northerners want and what they’re willing to have as new, or potentially new, road-safety rules?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Will there be detail in this budget that demonstrates where I can look and see what value is placed on a potential program? For example, if a senior — I have a few of them in the riding — wanted to access aging in place money for a walk-in bathtub, those types of things…. Those are the types of things I’m talking about when I say aging in place. Is there something here that a senior could tap into if they wanted a ramp into their house? They are finding the stairs just a little difficult to challenge as they move on in years, but they have many good years left in their own home. That’s the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to talk about a couple of transportation issues that have been on the horizon of that industry.

Across Canada there have been a number of concerns emerging that are under public discussion, which are all about cellphones and smoking while driving in vehicles with children present. The issue really is about the public debate and the fact that there needs to be a public debate on these types of issues for transportation here in the North.

I’ve had a number of constituents come forward through e-mail to talk to me about what our government is doing on these issues...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

I thank the Minister for that. I’ll certainly be more than willing to accept that copy and review the detail further myself.

I find that one of the challenges is…. As an example, I have a constituent who goes to the Yellowknife Housing Authority, and they just don’t have any — not necessarily barrier-free — disabled units; they just don’t have anything available. I don’t think what they’re looking for is the all-inclusive barrier-free unit where every door is fixed, whether the fixtures are changed, whether the ramp is there or not. They’re looking for accessible living, and we just don’t have...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 20)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think that was well said, and I don’t think the motion could have been written any better. There’s only one aspect that I’d like to highlight, which is housing for the disabled. It’s a concern and a passion of mine to make sure that we have appropriate housing for those in need. Although this motion doesn’t speak to it specifically, we know that this funding goes to help people in that area.

It’s a principle I really believe in, Mr. Speaker. In the past I’ve had the chance to work with Mr. Krutko, when he was Housing Minister, to help bring better living, a better...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Mr. Chairman, I’m trying to get an understanding as to the overall impact, not to revisit the motion. I’m just trying to get clarity as to what impact that will have. As I understand it, that impact, now that the decision has been made…. Again, I’m not trying to revisit it, but I’m just trying to get a sense of whether there were active positions rolled up in that, and if there were, how many. Again, if there were, where were they located? That’s all. It’s for clarification.