Robert Hawkins
Déclarations dans les débats
I actually didn’t hear the answer. I was trying to listen very carefully. Would the Minister be willing to get out there and call for a public dialogue on these issues to make sure that we’re hearing the needs of our citizens out there and absolutely making sure we’re meeting the basic needs of our citizens?
How much money is housed in that CARE program?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. From my spot I don’t know if they’re still up there, but I certainly would like to make recognition of Cecily Hewitt and Bill Burles, both constituents of mine. When I came in earlier, they were both in the gallery. I certainly hope they’re still there.
I appreciate the president’s point of view. He and I probably agree very closely on this matter. In some cases accessible living just means you have a unit to access on the main floor. It means you don’t have to go upstairs. Accessible living could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I would agree further that not everyone needs the full-blown fit up.
But, Mr. Chairman, I think the housing pool is a little thin out there — I can’t speak for the territorial communities, but I can certainly speak for Yellowknife community — and that’s presenting a challenge.
To elaborate...
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just would like some overview on the Minister’s thoughts. I noticed some of the opening comments seemed to be missing some highlights where disabilities were concerned, from my point of view.
I have a number of constituents. From time to time they come forward, and they discuss the issue of housing, accessible housing, and the sense of what stock exists there. I’ve got constituents who just don’t have anywhere else to go. They’re waiting for opportunities that don’t exist.
I’m just curious what the Minister is doing about the situation, in light that it’s pretty thin...
Mr. Speaker, I thank Members for not naying that, of course. I just want to make special mention of Daryl Dolynny. He’s up there in the gallery. He’s the owner of Shoppers. He’s presently the Chair of the Yellowknife Community Foundation. I think he’s the past president of Stanton Foundation. He’s here today to watch the Pharmacy Act get through first reading. He says if it’s not done by 4 p.m., he has to sneak off to be a swim coach today. So he’s many things to Yellowknife. He’s an important guy.
Well, again, I state that I’m pleased that it’s going to a training group. I didn’t realize we had so many treatment centres that we had to get rid of one, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, I want to know what the total cost has been for the number of years since we had it on the books. What was the total cost to maintain that facility while it’s been empty?
My questions shouldn’t be perceived in any way that I’m against the building actually being dusted off and used. I think it’s a real shame that it’s been empty for so long and probably heated forever at an exorbitant rate.
Mr. Speaker, I want to know: will we retain ownership of this building, or has that been given away in this agreement? If it has been given away, what financial gains has the territorial government made?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My position is quite simple. I’d rather not be in the back seat riding along with this issue. I’d rather be in the driver’s seat on this issue.
The Minister did mention some potential amendments. All I’m calling for is some public discussion, maybe an ad in the paper or on the radio saying that we’re looking for feedback from citizens of the Northwest Territories on this issue. Let’s get control of this issue. Let’s get ahead of the bubble. Let’s grab hold of it and make sure we know what people want and put safety first. Would the Minister do that?
I heard that very clearly this time around. Does the Minister have any suggestions as to how we’re going to get public feedback on this issue? I’m glad to hear the Ministry is….