Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would, first of all, thank the Minister for her commitment on that, but the fact is that it is not a difficult process because I have a two-sided paper. If they are looking for a lengthy bureaucratic approach, I will walk across the way and hand them the paper. We could do this today. We need a policy today so we can start this mechanism today. It is not a lengthy one. Would the Minister clearly say yes they will move forward on this and have something so we can discuss maybe in the next session in February? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this isn’t something I’m always going to say, but it’s not just about Yellowknife, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the fact is…


…places like Poundmakers have a short little form. It is called the three-month follow-up and they do a yearly follow-up and several other types of follow-up. So running into somebody at bingo or at the store is not a follow-up, Mr. Speaker. I would like a formal policy developed so we have our treatment folks that we contract out to have a formal procedure to follow as what I would call a follow-up program. Would the...

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment this afternoon. In my statement today I spoke about the challenges working families have and are faced with day to day with trying to find competent, affordable, quality childcare. Mr. Speaker, we only have about 1,200 childcare spaces in the NWT and families are not able to afford them. I’d like to know what the Minister is doing, if he’s aware of this problem, and what initiatives is he taking on to follow up and deal with this problem of childcare spaces and affordability of those spaces....

Debates of , (day 3)

Mr. Speaker, may I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to deal with the motion I gave notice of earlier today.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like the commitment or at least the clear assurance in this House by the Minister that people with disabilities aren’t put on the backburner, that their needs or requirements aren’t put off to the shelf and ignored. So can I get that clear commitment in this House today, because I don’t think that they should be? I just want to make sure that it’s absolutely clear. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, about two weeks ago, I sent an e-mail to the Minister of Health and Social Services regarding some disabled constituents of mine. They are looking for some assistance regarding any support programs we have on the books or in existence, because they want to get an assisted dog to help them with their disability. One is in a wheelchair and the second one needs an assisted dog because they can’t walk properly due to a lot of reasons. But the e-mail hasn’t been answered. So I guess the question for today is, will the Minister be responding to my question?...

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister says there will be a consultation. I’d like to know what “will” means and who it’s run by and what’s the mandate being provided to whoever that “will” is in this particular case that’s doing this review. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think it’s time for an independent review of the situation. We have the affordability in the sense that parents can’t afford to pay for day care, we have the affordability sense…


Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the fact is, the government must make sure that day care is accessible and reliable to all her citizens and definitely our parents, because we have to be providing programs for those we care about most.

Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Minister later today, because day care matters, truly matters, to my constituency and the North. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
