Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we always have lists that we study to death. What I am asking for is a clear commitment from this Minister today. Yes or no; will we put action behind this? Will we make this a decisive decision in this House today to find ways to find good sensible programs for people to help them make environmentally sound choices? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, those were excellent answers from the Minister, except we were talking about linking program money to get actions. The Community Energy Program is certainly one of them and this government is leading that initiative to get that done, but it’s lacking in the funding to actually implement it. So, Mr. Speaker, speaking of implementing new programs that help the everyday person, Mr. Speaker, can I get a commitment from this Minister to look into developing a program that would develop financial incentives for people to buy things like hybrid vehicles, wood...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, those were excellent answers from the Minister, except we were talking about linking program money to get actions. The Community Energy Program is certainly one of them and this government is leading that initiative to get that done, but it’s lacking in the funding to actually implement it. So, Mr. Speaker, speaking of implementing new programs that help the everyday person, Mr. Speaker, can I get a commitment from this Minister to look into developing a program that would develop financial incentives for people to buy things like hybrid vehicles, wood...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are some of the main ways that our government can help reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Having an incentive to switch to energy efficient and low-emission items such as hybrid vehicles, wood stoves, or pellet stoves, are just a few examples which we can help to reduce the harmful toxins and pollutants getting into our environment.

In provinces across Canada, as well as some states in the U.S., they have created tax rebate programs for people who buy hybrid vehicles. In British Columbia, Mr. Speaker, for...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are some of the main ways that our government can help reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Having an incentive to switch to energy efficient and low-emission items such as hybrid vehicles, wood stoves, or pellet stoves, are just a few examples which we can help to reduce the harmful toxins and pollutants getting into our environment.

In provinces across Canada, as well as some states in the U.S., they have created tax rebate programs for people who buy hybrid vehicles. In British Columbia, Mr. Speaker, for...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I guess I would have to ask the Minister if he could explore the B.C. solution. He was saying something along the lines that we could do that. He did point out that we don’t offer PST and they do and they look at rolling back the PST, so the consumer can save. So I am not sure where we can really benefit from that. The Minister did say something along the lines of resources being a problem. I will tell you, I put my priorities in order personally and I think the government should. Mr. Speaker, we have a department that spends over $50 million, at least 40 percent of...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I guess I would have to ask the Minister if he could explore the B.C. solution. He was saying something along the lines that we could do that. He did point out that we don’t offer PST and they do and they look at rolling back the PST, so the consumer can save. So I am not sure where we can really benefit from that. The Minister did say something along the lines of resources being a problem. I will tell you, I put my priorities in order personally and I think the government should. Mr. Speaker, we have a department that spends over $50 million, at least 40 percent of...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. When I was reading my Member’s statement earlier today to talk about other provinces offering smart environmental consumer programs, hopefully I was beginning to make it a little obvious that the NWT was lacking from that list, Mr. Speaker. So everyone is doing something but the NWT. Mr. Speaker, I believe in good environmental practices. I certainly believe in good environmental programs that speak to that. So, Mr. Speaker, with that said, I would like to hear from the Minister of Environment. Can he tell me today what incisive actions his department is taking to...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. When I was reading my Member’s statement earlier today to talk about other provinces offering smart environmental consumer programs, hopefully I was beginning to make it a little obvious that the NWT was lacking from that list, Mr. Speaker. So everyone is doing something but the NWT. Mr. Speaker, I believe in good environmental practices. I certainly believe in good environmental programs that speak to that. So, Mr. Speaker, with that said, I would like to hear from the Minister of Environment. Can he tell me today what incisive actions his department is taking to...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’ve made it amply clear here today that I believe literacy is key to a person’s success, both economically, socially, it goes a long way. So, Mr. Speaker, I’d like to know today, the Minister is clear to me when he said he spoke to the NWT Literacy Council to ensure that we can be there to help. So I want to find out what the Minister has in his back pocket as a plan if the federal government does not reinstate these unnecessary, ridiculous cuts. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.