Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I want to applaud the Minister for clarifying that because no one is above making an error, and certainly a clerical error could happen to anyone out there, and I’m certainly not perfect myself. That being said, this whole issue about the transparency of this program, I’m still trying to get justification as to why we give such large grants to so few. So, Madam Speaker, I ask the question to the Minister, why are we giving such large grants to so few and would he provide those details of transparency so we can move forward on this issue? Thank you...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I guess what I’m getting at is the City of Yellowknife may feel the pressure of the Yellowknives Dene and their right to entitlement of land, so maybe they haven’t applied for those particular lands, recognizing there is a right. Yet the City of Yellowknife is going back and looking seriously at its nature preserves and its green space. I’m looking for the Premier to make sure he plays a role in this process. I’m asking the Premier in his capacity of possibly Minister of Aboriginal Affairs to make sure that the selection process goes forward and we can get that moving...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. As I was saying in my Member’s statement today, I am concerned that possibly we could be reaching an area of stalemate between the City of Yellowknife and the Yellowknives Dene. I firmly believe the Yellowknives Dene have a right to land, and land that belongs to them and their personal development, so do I believe in the growth of the city of Yellowknife and I’d hate to see that impeded in any way. My question to the Premier is would he use his mediation skills, talents and abilities to help mediate the situation before a stalemate reaches an untimely death? Thank...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Decentralization for decentralization should not be considered a mandate or a policy that we should live by. I’m concerned that we’re moving this because, first and foremost, we have a facility in Fort Smith already and if it was a matter of establishing a facility in Hay River to make them feel good about their potential loss and maybe move forward for that, then maybe we should be moving the one from Fort Smith there. I don’t know. We talk about spreading things around equitably, well, we have one in the South Slave already. Now we’re going to have two in the South...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I’ll recognize the Minister’s passion for getting people out of public housing into personal home ownership but before we move on too far, I would like to hear from the Minister because we did talk about that $109,000. If the Minister could clarify exactly when they realized when there was a clerical error and why they didn’t come down to my office immediately to clarify this, because this has been an issue out there for a week. A lot of people are very concerned about this. So when did this information come forward to the Minister that the letter he had sent to...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, on March 9th I submitted a written question to the Minister of Housing in regard to information about the EDAP program. The reasoning behind that is because there is an urban legend out there about crazy amounts being given to people. On April 7th I had a great response from the Minister referring to the area I was specifically asking about, which was Yellowknife. It pointed out many detailed pieces of information in Yellowknife. All along I’ve been asking about the transparency issue and why are we giving such large dollars to so few. That’s all...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I do recognize the process and it was set up by this government many years ago. It was a one-year moratorium on land so we could settle the land claim process. But, Madam Speaker, the Yellowknives do have an entitlement to land, as does the city of Yellowknife have an entitlement for growth. Unfortunately, I would never like to see them conflict. That being said, would the Premier assure me that he’s working towards a mediation process or even just being there to help assist this process, so no stalemate ever exists between these two groups, so the City...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The City of Yellowknife is under a lot of pressure and has increasing demands for more residential lots and subdivisions in the city of Yellowknife. The residential areas are needed to add to the city’s quality of life, allowing the city’s increasing economic growth and to accommodate the city’s future workforce, the workforce that we are desperately trying to attract with initiatives done by this government. However, there is a very low supply of available residential lots and subdivisions at a reasonable cost to develop within this city.

Recently, the City of...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I didn’t get satisfaction on the answer. Why didn’t the Minister, if he identified there was a mistake or a clerical error in the information, rush down to my office or send a note down to say there was a small mistake and we pause this issue for one moment until we get clear absolute numbers? Why didn’t I get that note on Monday if he says it appeared two days ago? Why didn’t he slow the process down, because I certainly would have given him the gracious opportunity to get the absolute number? Why didn’t he come speak to me about that? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I appreciate that answer and I appreciate what Minister Bell has started by establishing that working group. I would like to see that lead continue because it does affect a lot of people. Could I have the commitment from this Minister to assure me in this House today, so I can go back to some constituents of mine, that this working group will be meeting very shortly, in whatever capacity, so we can get some true results out there so people can see that the RCMP and our parks officers are jointly patrolling these areas? Thank you, Madam Speaker.