Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Would these rates also be reflected in the true cost of delivery of this product to some degree or not? We're providing this product in the community that, say, no private contractor sees enough flow of product in order to make it economically worth their while; therefore, that's why no one in private industry is doing this. So are we reflecting relative market rates at all that would be fair market rate in these communities? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just on the line of questioning Mr. Braden has brought forward, have we ever qualified what this subsidy is? What magnitude to the dollar figure is the subsidy? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I see the clock is winding down, so I won't be too lengthy. I appreciate the Minister mentioning Sachs, because that is a great example; every three weeks we have a presence in the community for two to three days. I know it's unrealistic to establish a post permanently in every community, but I know, for example, in the community of Inuvik we have a highway patrol and we have a camper, and they put a presence on the highway in the summer. I'm just concerned from the area of a regular presence and known presence in the community, because three weeks seems a bit of...

Debates of , (day 50)

I guess really I'm concerned about the places out there that don't have a permanent flag pole of the RCMP in the community. I know, in all fairness, it's probably very difficult to establish a police presence, considering the cost of infrastructure to put a post there. But I guess we have to be more proactive about how we're developing community policing. I know that the Territories does invest money into that initiative, but my concern more is from the enforcement side, as well as the public peace side of communities. How many communities out there do we have without any established...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Certain activities beg the question what activities or what types of activities. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Page 5-38, I see under divisional education board Beaufort-Delta, leasing service. I see we have $120,000. Do we provide this type of service or why wouldn’t this service be performed by the education board itself? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I would like to definitely speak in support of the Justice Minister's move to revert the court registries cuts both in Inuvik and in Hay River. Although this decision was done a little while ago, I wish he would have continued the tone of access to justice and how I often speak in favour of that, the fact that justice is often served better by the people and when the people can get it. Quite often that is a problem.

I did speak the other day in regard to my support to see action with the legal aid office getting that future support, again continuing...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Assuming the Minister can’t provide that tonight, from the sounds of that answer, if the Minister could provide for the last three years what regular basis means, I would certainly accept that in written form, so he doesn’t have to answer that tonight. I want to know what regular basis means. I would be willing to accept that if he doesn’t have that detail.

Debates of , (day 50)

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I can only assume that we could take somewhat of a profit factor out in order to keep stabilizing this fuel by litre. Because if fuel is set at $1.24 in Wekweti, that would almost seem I couldn't say unaffordable, but I certainly would say that it's cost prohibitive to drive anything that requires fuel, at that rate. Spending about $100 to fill up your skidoo, I don't know…So is the principle of some of this in order to keep the cost down where reasonable where we can, do we eliminate the profit factor out of this? Again, I realize that there isn't tons of factor...