Robert Hawkins

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know all of us are listening on this side. That certainly sounded like a commitment to look into that, but maybe if I could get the Premier to reaffirm that in a commitment he’d open up the door to discussions. I don’t think its part of a devolution deal. This sounds like a sidebar deal on the parental leave issue only. So if the Premier could address that by saying today he’ll look into that and commit to just following up to find out if the Northwest Territories can implement this policy, heck, I don’t need my next two questions. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. At this time, I, too, would like to recognize the Yellowknife seniors for being here. I appreciate their watchful eye on us and keeping us all honest. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate what the Premier just said, but the other day we were talking about multi-year agreements with the Finance Minister with regard to the City of Yellowknife. The MACA Minister told me the FAA Act handcuffs us for these types of discussions. I am not really sure I am getting a clear answer from three different Ministers.

Mr. Speaker, we can negotiate with these things. Let’s open up the door, let’s create a one-window approach. Who would this Premier suggest for all of these organizations to approach, yes, with the proviso, that the money is...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a heavy booklet here that’s double sided. There are 40 line items a page and there are about 10 pages here of groups that we make go through hoops and wringers every year to sign up for their funding, and they only get the phone call at the 11th hour on year-to-year funding. They have to do proposal after proposal every year. This creates instability and they can’t hire workers. My question for the Premier is will he look at addressing the problem with multi-year funding, as outlined in the social agenda tabled in this House in June of 2002, and address this...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you for being very clear on your support, Mr. Premier. Mr. Speaker, I believe that these NGOs provide the frontline service that our government does not provide. Does this Premier have a position in this government that these NGOs provide a significant role to the social fabric of the Northwest Territories that the government is not offering in basic service? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m certainly glad to finally see the Cotton Ball Club has taken their cotton balls out of their ears today. There were lots of cotton balls there. Okay.

Mr. Speaker, I’m rising today to talk about multi-year funding once again. I brought this issue to the floor of the House back in October last year, and I’m bringing it again because of the news article in today’s Yellowknifer regarding stabilized funding needed for non-profit groups. Mr. Speaker, there’s one quote out of this that I think is critical to emphasize before I continue, which talks about the struggling NGOs...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, just one last question. It has been raised at committee level, the question of being able to teach in the Tlicho language as the primary language. If the Minister could provide clarity on their ability to provide teachings or instruction; again, not questioning the quality of education that they are teaching, but in the context and the delivery vehicle of how they are teaching. If the Minister could comment in that regard. If the Tlicho people would want to proceed with teaching it in their language, do they have that ability? Are there any restrictions? Do they have to consult...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a general comment. I will first start off by saying that I am in support of this and I will be voting in favour of this bill.

Just for the sake of the public of course, there are concerns. Of course, we are establishing a new education board and health board. Maybe if the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs could outline how the agreement would work. For example, if there is incompatibility in the sense of a standard, the GNWT would like to move forward with a different standard, if the Minister could give us an example on how that type of relationship in those...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this could be a hallmark of this government. We talk endlessly about hydro, the big plans of the future and whatnot. Well, let’s talk about the people who will be here after these diamond mines are gone, after these oil and gas things are gone; let’s talk about them. They are the ones underpinning our society.

This is just whitewashing the issue. Will the Premier take responsibility and say we are going to make it a mandate of this government to solve this problem? We are going to open the doors, we are not just going to send them here, send them there...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am going to continue asking questions to the Premier, in regard to multi-year funding.

Mr. Speaker, I was concerned that the Premier may have implied in one way or the other that we should be accountable for that money. If that was the case, I am going to go back to Hansard and see if he was implying it. Because I think that that is a point of privilege and in no way would I imply in any way that we should not be accountable for our multi-year funding.

Mr. Speaker, I am talking about how these NGOs are being funded. I am talking about making their life...