Robert Hawkins
Déclarations dans les débats
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question today is to the Minister of Transportation. Mr. Speaker, the federal government has a strategy whereas their policy is forcing all major airports across Canada to upgrade their security to address the drastic circumstances that have happened a few years ago. One of those airports identified would be the airport in Yellowknife. Mr. Speaker, my direct question to the Minister is, who will be paying for this forced and new initiative to upgrade our airport in Yellowknife? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wanted to thank the Minister for recognizing that there are gaps in the system, because that leads me very nicely into my next question. What is the Minister’s plan to ensure that the gaps are filled for supplying raw materials to the public out there who wish to continue the traditional lifestyle of the arts and craft industry? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you for recognizing me, Mr. Speaker. I couldn’t see; my seat stops me from looking into the gallery, but I did try to look quickly and one of my constituents, Mike Adamchick was here earlier for the budget address. The good budget address his comments were on Mr. Roland’s presentation, but if he is still up there, hello, Mr. Adamchick.
Mr. Chair, may I seek unanimous consent to continue my Member's statement? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my last question is does the Minister see this as a waste of money that we would have to invest in the expansion of this facility to have the facility up and running by late next year, whereas we’re going to have to tear it down in a couple years and build a new one? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, Mr. Minister, for your answer. As you know, any renovation would have an effect on the clients and customers that use that facility. What consultation has the Minister taken into account in regard to this renovation of that building and the effect it will have on the clients and customers that use that building? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Could the Minister provide all the Members of the Assembly the action plan that will show the steps to be taken to complete this initiative and how his department plans to maintain this strategy? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the honourable Member responsible for RWED brought to my attention an initiative that was called integrated arts strategy to support art and culture in the NWT. Part of this strategy is designed to bring support to the arts and craft industry. Current and immediate actions proposed in the integrated arts strategy are supported by having raw materials and equipment available for people out there. This strategy, as the honourable Member stated in his letter to me, is to be completed by early 2004. Since the time is nearing, my question for the Minister of...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I want to thank my colleagues, as well. Mr. Speaker, there are many traditions that make the North unique. Cultural traditions go far deeper in value to the people than just dollars. We must do something to sustain this industry before these traditions are lost and no longer practiced, or by the next time I see beaded gloves they're only at the museum.
Before I close my statement, I want to mention a quote brought to me by my constituent. She says this industry is not supported. But it seems that this government, when we have dignitaries travelling to the...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today my Member's statement will be addressing a concern brought to me by one of my constituents earlier this year. This concern has brought me great concern. This issue is about the hunting and trapping industry. It has been designated as a sustainable industry, and it gives a stable livelihood to people in the North. This reflects northern traditions, which is a very important issue in the Northwest Territories.
One of the many keys to the success of this industry is security due to the government funding and the ongoing support when the fur markets go up and down...